





r. also ,as well ,excessively ,overly


too[tu:]adv. 太;也;很;還;非常;過度


TOO 小白兔;也,還;Target of Opportunity;天黑黑;Too Bad 殘念;糟糕;推板 例:格個人推板勿啦;遺憾;Me Too 仿造;我也是;我也一樣;彼此彼此;too hard 太硬;太難;太努力;none too 一點也不;不太;一點也不 .;一點也不 英語學習網;


1.He is young, clever and rich too. 他年輕、聰明,還富有。

2.And you work out at home, too! 而且你在家裡也做健身運動!

3.That house is too small for us. 那幢房子給我們住是太小了。


Will it be too late if I call around 9:00 tonight? - 如果我在晚上9點左右打來會不會太晚?

Is it too late to cancel our plans? - 現在取消我們的計劃是否太遲了?

That's too bad. Bye. - 太糟了。再見。

OK. But don't delay too long. Or that trip will be all booked. - 好,但不要拖太久,否則會訂滿的。

It is too expensive. How about half the price? - 太貴了,半價怎麼樣?

I liked the work. However, the firm is too small for me to widen my experience. - 我喜歡那份工作。但那家公司太小,難以增加我的經驗。

Not too bad, thank you. - 挺好的,謝謝你。

I appreciate your counter-offer, but find it too low. - 謝謝你的還價,但我覺得太低了。

The gap is too wide to be filled. The largest cut we can offer is 5%. - 價格差距太大,我們最多降價5%。

Not too bad. How about yourself? - 還可以。你怎麼樣?

Take it easy. Don't work too hard. - 悠著點。不要操勞過度。

No, thank you. It's too late. I really have to go. - 不,謝謝。太晚了,我真的該走了。

You work too hard, Susan. - 太拚命工作了, Susan。

it's going to be too late when I do remember. - 等我想起來時已經太晚了。

My vacation was too short, I needed more time. - 假期太短了,再有幾天就好了。

I feel that too many people worry about how they look. - 我感覺太多的人關注他們的外表。

If you ask me, it's too early to go home. - 如果你問我,(我會說)現在回家還太早。

Winter in Beijing is too cold. - 北京的冬天很冷。

Don't eat too much candy, you'll spoil your appetite. - 別吃太多的糖果,否則你會吃不下飯的。

If you snack too much, you may get fat. - 零食吃得太多,你會長胖的。

Please don't cut it too short. - 不要剪得太短了。

You drink too much. I think you're hooked on alcohol. - 你喝得太多了。你是不是喝酒上癮了?

Anybody who drinks too much can be called a boozer. - 喝酒太多的人叫酒鬼。

People shouldn't do drugs. They're too addictive. - 人們不應吸毒,太容易上癮了。

I'm too sick to even get out of bed. - 我病得都下不了床了。

You really need to eat more; you're too skinny. - 你太瘦了,真得多吃點。

That's too rich for my blood. - 對我來說太貴了。

I've been working too hard. I'm beat. - 我工作的太多,我快垮了。

Is this pink too bright for me? - 我穿粉紅色會不會太過鮮艷了?

I'm taking too much of your time. - 我耽誤了你很多時間。

Oh, that's not too far from here! - 噢, 那兒不很遠。

Are we too late for our dinner reservation? - 我們會不會錯過晚餐訂位時間

Hi, Marilyn. I hope it's not too late. - 你好, Marilyn, 我希望我來得不算太晚。

but it's too early to know for sure. - 但我現在還不能決定。

My instructor thought that the beginner's class was too easy for me. - 老師認為初級課程對我來說太容易了。

Oh, that's too bad, Robbie. - 啊 ,那太遺憾了, Robbie。

but I don't want to put it off too long. - 但我希望不要拖得太久。

Oh, working too hard. - 噢 ,工作太累人了。

It's too hard to explain. - 這很難解釋清楚。

but ... well, there are too many things to do. - 但是……我要做的事情太多了。

but Philip is too independent. - 但是Philip的獨立性太強了。

Do you think it's too long? - 你會不會覺得太長了?

The cost of housing's too high for you here. - 這裡的房子對你們來說太貴了。

and they found it to be too easy-- - 他們發現字太簡單了,

I think it's too easy. - 我覺得它太簡單了。

She just said it's too easy. - 她僅僅說它太容易了。

Richard, isn't that too much to ask of your mother? - Richard,那是不是太麻煩你母親啦?

Is it too early to call Mr. Carlson? - 現在打電話給Carlson先生會不會太早了?

It's too soon to know for certain. - 現在還太早, 不知道確切情況 。

You really have been working too hard. - 你們確實太忙了。


too numerons to count - 不計其數

n. tempering too soon - 回火過快

n. tempering too soon - 早期回火


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