





whose[hu:z]pron. 誰的(疑問代詞)


whose 誰的;恆奧中心;(疑問代詞)誰的;誰的--鬍子;Whose Fault 愛是誰的錯;誰的錯;誰的過錯;誰之過?;whose sweater 誰的毛衣;Whose Tears 誰的淚;Whose mistake 誰的錯;


1.Whose presents are those? 那些是誰的禮物?

2.Whose shorts are these? 這些是誰的短褲?

3.Whose shoes are these? 這(些)鞋子是誰的?


Do you know the boy whose aunt is an artist? - 你知道那男孩的姑媽是藝術家?

Do you remember the boy whose aunt is an actress. - 你是否記得那男孩的姑媽是演員?

Does he go out with the boy whose aunt is an operator? - 與他在一起那男孩的姑媽是接線生。

I know the boy whose father is a ball player. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是球員。

I know the boy whose father is a banker. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是銀行家。

I know the boy whose father is a captain. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是船長。

I know the boy whose father is a college president. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是大學校長。

I know the boy whose father is a dentist. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是牙醫。

I know the boy whose father is a guide. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是導遊。

I know the boy whose father is a mailman. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是郵差。

I know the boy whose father is a manager. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是經理。

I know the boy whose father is a medical doctor. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是醫師。

I know the boy whose father is a merchant. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是商人。

I know the boy whose father is a missionary. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是傳教士。

I know the boy whose father is a painter. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是畫家。

I know the boy whose father is a pilot. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是飛行員。

I know the boy whose father is a policeman. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是警察。

I know the boy whose father is a professor. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是大學教授。

I know the boy whose father is a scentist. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是科學家。

I know the boy whose father is a writer. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是作家。

I know the boy whose father is an architect. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是建築師。

I know the boy whose father is an attorney. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是律師。

I know the boy whose father is an engineer. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是工程師。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a beautician. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是美容師。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a clerk. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是店員。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a housemaid. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是家庭主婦。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a librarist. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是圖書管理員。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a model. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是模特。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a musician. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是音樂家。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a nurse. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是護士。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a receptionist. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是接待員。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a reporter. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是記者。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a saleslady. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是推銷員。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a secretary. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是秘書。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a stenographer. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是速記員。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a stewardess. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是空中小姐。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a TV announcer. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是電視播音員。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a typist. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是打字員。

I meet the boy whose aunt is an accountant. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是會計。

I meet the boy whose aunt is an editor. - 我遇到那男孩的姑媽是編輯。

I remember the girl whose father earns $ 10000 a month. - 我記得那個女孩的父親一個月賺一萬元。

I remember the girl whose father earns $ 140000 a year. - 我記得那個女孩的父親一年賺十五萬元。

I remember the girl whose father earns $ 2000 a week. - 我記得那個女孩的父親一星期賺兩千元。

I remember the girl whose father earns $ 300 a day. - 我記得那個女孩的父親一天賺三百元。

I remember the girl whose father goes there every autumn. - 我記得那個女孩的父親每年秋天都去那裡。

I remember the girl whose father goes there every spring. - 我記得那個女孩的父親每年春天都去那裡。

I remember the girl whose father goes there every summer. - 我記得那個女孩的父親每年夏天都去那裡。

I remember the girl whose father goes there every winter. - 我記得那個女孩的父親每年冬天都去那裡。

I remember the girl whose father owns a bakery. - 我記得那個女孩的父親有一間麵包店。

I remember the girl whose father owns a dress shop. - 我記得那個女孩的父親有一家服裝店。


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