risen['rizən]adj. 升起的v. 升高;站起來;反抗(rise的過去分詞)
risen 升起;上升的;升起的;Risen Guard 復活的衛兵;Risen Lackey 復活的侍從;Risen Warrior 復活的戰士;risen canal 樹脂道;
1.Consumer incomes have risen, with the result that more jewelry has been purchased. 消費者的收入增加了,於是有更多的人來購買珠寶。
2.Colossians 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 歌羅西書3:1你們已經跟基督一起復活,你們必須追求天上的事;在那裡,基督坐在上帝右邊的寶座上。
3.As millions of people lose their jobs, and are deprived of their basic right to live decently, the number and scale of protests have also risen. 當數百萬菲國人民失去工作、被剝削而失去了合理生活的基本權利,人民抗議的數量與規模已經烽火遍地。
The water has risen over the riverbank. - 洪水溢過了防堤。
Once the oxygen content of the air had risen to 25% it was ready to burn. - 一旦氧氣在空氣中的含量達到25%,它就要燃燒。