





n. radio receiver ,radio set ,radiocommunication ,wireless


radio['reidiəu]n. 收音機;無線電廣播設備vi. 用無線電進行通信vt. 用無線電發送


radio 單選框;無線電廣播;單選按鈕;無線電台;radio button 單選按鈕;單選鈕 圓鈕;選項按鈕;無線電鈕;radio station 廣播站;無線電台;廣播電台;廣播台;radio transmitter 無線電廣播發射機;無線電發射機;無線電發報機無線電發射機;無線電發信機;radio telescope 射電望遠鏡;無線電望遠鏡;射電望遠鏡 :專用於探測來自空間的射電波的望遠鏡。;無線電望遠鏡,射電望遠鏡;


1.They radioed their position to headquarters. 他們用無線電向大本營報告他們所處的位置。

2.We can listen to music by radio. 我們能通過無線電收聽音樂。

3.What make of radio is it? 這是什麼牌子的收音機?


How long will it take to have this radio fixed? - 修理這收音機要多久?

The radio has lost most of its audience, thanks to TV. - 由於電視的存在,收音機失去了大量聽眾。

A large number of American radio stations operate in the red. - 許多美國電台虧損經營。

Turn up your radio please. - 請你把收音機開響一點兒。

Can this radio receive short-wave? - 這個收音機能收短波嗎?

Turn down the radio please. - 請放低音量。

Does this radio belong to you? - 這台收音機是你的嗎?

He already has a phonograph,but he doesn't have a radio yet. - 他已經有一架留聲機,但是他還沒有收音機。

Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all. - 是的,一點也不像收音機裡說的那樣。

I often listen to the radio at night. - 我常常在晚上聽收音機。

The radio is out of order. - 這收音機壞了。

Fortunately, a pilot saw the signal and sent a message by radio to the nearest town. - 幸運得很,一位飛行員看到這個信號,用無線電給最近的城鎮發了報。

During a radio programme, a company of biscuit manufacturers once asked listeners to bake biscuits and send them to their factory. - 有一次,在電台播放的節目裡,一個生產餅乾的公司請聽眾烘製餅乾送到他們的工廠去。

A radio message from the mainland had been received by the ship's captain instructing him to give up the search. - 返航前,該船船長收到了大陸發來的電報,指示他們放棄這次搜尋。

Professor Ronald Bracewell, a leading American radio astronomer,argued in Nature that such a superior civilization, on a visit to our own solar system, - 假如有如此高級文明生命訪問了我們的太陽系,

Such a messenger, receiving our radio and television signals, - 這種自動化信息裝置,在接收到我們的無線電和電視信號後,

namely 6 million million miles.) Radio waves also travel at the speed of light, - 即6萬億英里)。無線電波也是以光速傳播的。

This depends on the precise radio frequency of the 21-cm wavelength, or 1420 megacycles per second. - 這種通訊聯繫要靠21厘米波段,即每秒1420兆周的精確無線電頻率。

it must be known to any kind of radio astronomer in the universe. - 這個頻率是宇宙中任何射電天文學家都應該熟悉的。

The radio says the snow will stop later in the day. - 無線電廣播說 今天晚些時候雪會停的。

The radio says that it may stop raining later. - 廣播說晚些時候雨可能會停。」

Hello, Ann. Could I borrow your radio tomorrow, please? - 您好,安。我想明天借用您的收音機。可以嗎?

For example, with their help China can send its TV and radio programmes to the other side of the world. - 例如,在衛星的幫助下,中國能把自己的電視及廣播節目傳送到地球的另一邊。

Why don't you buy a radio? Then you can listen to China Radio International or BBC English programmes on the radio. - 你為什麼不買台收音機呢?那樣你就能聽中國國際廣播電台或者BBC英語廣播節目了。

Yes. We've just heard a warning on the radio that a hurricane is likely to come. - 是的,我們剛從廣播裡聽到一則氣象警報,說是一場颶風可能要到來。


artificial radio element - 人工放射性元素

radio frequency; radio frequenecy; radiofrequency - 射頻

radio gas chromatography - 射頻氣相色譜法

induced radio activity; induced radioactivity - 感生放射性

radio immunity; radioimmunity - 放射免疫

radio cardiography; radiocardiography - 放射心電描記法

radio epithelitis; radioepithelitis - 放射性上皮炎

radio isotope; radioactive isotope; radioisotope; radiosiotope - 放射性同位素

actinoneuritis; radio neuritis; radioneuritis - 放射性神經炎

cloolidal radio active gold; radioactive colloidel gold - 放射性膠體金

radio cystitis; radiocystitis - 放射性膀胱炎

radio pharmaceutical; radiopharmaceutical - 放射性藥物

radio epidermitis; radioepidermitis - 放射性表皮炎

radio assay - 放射性鑒定

radio induced; radiogenic; radioinduced - 放射所致的

radio bioassay; radiobioassay - 放射生物測定

radio electrophusiolograph; radioelectrophusiolograph - 放射電生理描記器

radio electrophysiogram; radioelectrophysiogram - 放射電生理描記圖

radio electrophsiolography; radioelectrophsiolography - 放射電生理描記術

radio pure; radiopurity - 放射純

radio autograph; radioautograph - 放射自顯影照相

radio chromatography; radiochromatography - 放射色譜法

radio link head - 放射鍵絲頭

radio wave - 無線電波

mass x-ray survey car; mobile radio diagnostic equipment - 流動X線診斷車

radio graphic stereometry - 立體X線片測定法

radiation hygiene; radio hygiene; radiohygiene - 輻射衛生學

radio teratogenesis; radioteratogenesis - 輻射致畸


n.人工放射性元素 - artificial radio element

n.放射性膠體金 - cloolidal radio active gold

n.感生放射性 - induced radio activity

n.流動X線診斷車 - mobile radio diagnostic equipment

n.尿/血漿濃度比 - urine/plasma concentration radio


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