radio-['reidiəu]comb. form 「射線」,「放射狀」:radiolarian「無線電」:radiotelegraphy「輻射能」:radiotherapy「放射性的」;「有輻射能的」:radio-thorium「徑向」:radiosymmetrical「橈骨」:radiocarpal
radio- 放射;橈骨;放射,輻射;輻射;Radio -- 無線電;radio range-finding 無線電測距;radio distance-measuring 無線電測距;radio schaub-lorenz 無線電圖片;
1.The electricity is changed into the radio-frequency power which is then sent out in form of radio waves. 電轉變成射頻時,接著以無線電波的形式發射出去。(減譯關係代詞,譯成承前省略句)
2.Over the years, everything from gas canons, pyrotechnics, lasers, ultrasound, stuffed owls and radio-controlled model aircraft have been tried to scare birds away from runways. 多年來,氣體標準、煙火使用、激光、超聲波、貓頭鷹標本和無線電控制的模型飛機,這一切都嘗試著將鳥從跑道上嚇跑。
3.At present, with the rapid development of radio-diagnostic and therapeutic technology, medical personnel who are engaged in radio-work are in exposure to potential danger of radiation. 目前,放射診斷和治療技術發展很快,使從事放射性工作的醫護人員等受到一定的照射,造成潛在的危險。