





everyone['evriwʌn]pron. 每個人;人人n. 每個人


everyone 每個人;瞄準所有人;大家;人人 大家;Hello everyone 大家好;大家好:;everyone knows 無人不知;人人皆知;硬搖滾;Everyone Leaves 紛紛離去;Kill everyone 希望自己可以;


1.Everyone put a leaf on the paper. 每個人在紙上放了一片葉子。

2.I think everyone knows how to swim. 我想每個人都知道如何游泳。

3.And everyone went to his own house. 於是各人都回自己的家去了。


How is everyone in your family? - 全家都好嗎?

I'm sure everyone will be very happy with these gifts. - 相信他們一定會喜歡這些禮物的。

Why do we need a swimming pool? Everyone in the family hates swimming! - 我們需要游泳池做什麼呢?家裡人都討厭游泳。

I can't wait to get back home and see everyone again. - 我迫不及待地想回國看看。

I'm so glad everyone is asleep. - 很高興大家都睡了。

The bad news hit everyone hard. - 惡耗使每個人都受到了沉重打擊。

He treats everyone with courtesy. - 他對待每一個人都很有禮貌。

Did everyone you invited show up? - 你邀請的人都來了嗎?

No wonder everyone speak highly of your commercial integrity. - 難怪大家都極為推崇你們的商業信譽。

Does everyone have enough to drink? - 諸位喝得盡興了沒有?

Is everyone going to come home for dinner? - 各位能回家吃飯嗎?

Almost everyone is aware of environmental problems in America. - 在美國,幾乎人人都注意到環境問題。

The race gave everyone a great deal of pleasure. - 這次比賽使每個人都挺開心。

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone burst out laughing. - 但他剛一開口說話,人們便哄堂大笑起來。

'You've probably woken up everyone in the village as well. - 「也許同時你把村裡所有的人都吵醒了。

It has been said that everyone lives by selling something. - 據說每個人都靠出售某種東西來維持生活。

Students often create amusing situations which are funny to everyone except the victims. - 大學生們常常做的是製造一種可笑的局面,使大家笑上一場,當然受害者是笑不出來的。

Television cameras and newspapers carried the news to everyone in the country. - 電視攝像機和報紙把消息傳送到全國。

The administrative overheads of a business are low to the extent that everyone working in the business can be trusted to behave in a way that best promotes the interests of the firm. - 如果企業中的每個人都在真誠地為提高企業利潤而工作,那麼企業的管理費用就會降低到相應的程度。

Is everyone here today? - 今天每個人都到嗎?

On that day everyone eats mooncakes. - 過節那天大家都吃月餅。

It's a fine day today, and everyone is busy. - 今天的天氣很好,大家都很忙。

Is everyone here? asked Mother. - 「都到齊了嗎?」母親問。

What a good idea! said Ann. Not everyone likes sandwiches. What about my birthday cake? - 「多好的主意!」安說,「不是每個人都喜歡三明治的。我的生日蛋糕準備好了嗎?」

And then, James could see! How happy everyone was! - 緊接著,詹姆斯能看見了!大家多麼高興啊!

Fine, thanks. Oh, That's the bell. Everyone is going into class, we'd better go too. - 很好,謝謝。啊,鈴響了。大家都去上課。我們最好也去。

Good morning. I am. Everyone is here. No one is away. - 早上好。我值日。大家都來了。沒有人缺席。

Of course, everyone began to shout very loudly. - 當然,每一個人都開始大聲地喊叫。

Of course, everyone likes presents. - 當然,每一個人都喜歡禮物。

On our way home that night I looked down and saw that the necklace was not around my neck any more. I told Pierre. We rushed back to the palace and looked for it.We asked everyone there if they had found a necklace, but without luck. We couldn't find it; - 那天晚上在回家的路上,我低頭一看,發現項鏈不再掛在我的脖子上了。我告訴了比爾。我們馬上趕回王宮去尋找。我們詢問了那兒的每一個人,問他們是不是拾到了一條項鏈。可是,真倒霉。我們找不到那條項鏈;它丟失了。

It is better to ask for help at the beginning rather than to wait until a busy period when everyone is rushed off their feet. - 最好在開始工作時就請人幫忙,而不是等到大學都忙得不可開交的時候。

He believed that everyone should be prepared to do heavy work, from the leaders to the poorest peasants. - 他認為從領袖到最窮苦的農民,每個人都該樂於從事重體力勞動。

If an unfair law existed, - and there were many that had been passed by the British rulers in India and South Africa - it was the duty of everyone to disobey this law, but without using violence. - 如果存在一個不公平的法律--而且在印度與南非的英國統治者已經通過了許多這樣的法律--那麼不遵守這一法律是每個人的責任,但不要使用暴力。

Present at the meeting were Clare Flower, Tom Goode, the lawyer and the detective, who was introduced to everyone as the lawyer's assistant. - 出席會議的有克萊爾·弗勞爾、湯姆·古德、律師與被當作律師助理介紹給大家的偵探

When everyone had taken his/her place, the lawyer spoke as follows. - 當大家都入座以後,律師作了如下的發言

First, it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from everyone else. To help you do this, read the following questions and write down the answers: - 首先,重要的一點是要瞭解你自己是個什麼樣的人,有哪些特殊的品質使你與眾不同。為了幫助你做到這一點,閱讀下面的問題並寫下答案。


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