





Everything['evriθiŋ]pron. 每件事物;一切事物


Everything 每件事;王力宏;所有;每一件事;Everything Changes 萬物更改;世事多變;一切無法挽留;世事多變化;Remember Everything 記得每一件事;記憶;Everything Nice 美好的一切;以及美好的事物;夢想小鋪 暫無 經營;take everything 拿走全部;把一切都帶走吧;帶走了一切;把一切都帶走了;


1.Time is everything for all of us. 對我們大家來說,時間是一切。

2.Time is everything for all of us. 對我們大家來說,時間是一切!

3.If you win time, you win everything. 贏得了時間就是贏得了一切。


Sir, everything now is offered with a great discount. - 先生,所有的東西都在打很大的折扣。

Mr. Lu, everything is OK. Your booking is from today through Wendnsday. Single room. - 陸先生,沒問題的。您從今天訂到星期三,單人房。

I read everything I can get my hands on but I like ghosts stories best. - 我隨意拿起什麼便看什麼,但我最喜歡看鬼故事。

Did everything go all right? - 一切都順利吧?

Please go over it and see if everything is in order. - 請再過目一下,看看是否都符合規定。

No way. I must get everything ready before noon. - 不行啊,我必須在中午前把一切都做好。

She is everything I've ever wanted. - 她是我想要的一切。

My boss does everything by the book. - 我們老闆一切照章辦事。

They took everything I had. - 他們拿走了我的一切。

I did , but everything is OK,so I decided to come back. - 回去了, 但一切安好。於是我決定回來。

Well, how's everything here? - 唔,東西都收拾好了嗎?

Hi, Son. Is everything all right? - 嗨 ,孩子 一切都順利嗎?

He knows everything about the production schedule, - 他知道生產進度的一切情況,

Well, let's take everything to the living room. - 嗯, 我們把東西都放到客廳去。

I stand for everything Boswell doesn't. - 我代表Boswell所不贊成的那些立場。

Is everything all right? - 一切都好嗎?

Sure. Put it back in your room, and we'll hang everything up later. - 當然。將它放回你的房間裡, 過一會兒我們來一件件掛起來。

Is everything OK? - 一切都好嗎?

Well, we'll put everything over there. - 嗯, 我們將所有的東西都放在那邊。

I'm sure everything is fine. - 我確信一切都很好。

This is the kitchen. Everything is brand new new fridge, new gas stove, new linoleum. - 這是廚房,東西都是新的,新的冰箱、新的煤氣爐、新的地毯。

How's everything with you? - 你一切如何?

You are everything to me. There's no one like you. - 你是我的一切,沒有人能取化你。

Money is everything to him. - 錢對他而言是最重要的東西。

He did everything within his power to achieve the goal. - 他竭盡全力去實現目標。

Don't worry, everything will work out in the end. - 別擔心,到最後一切都會順利成功的。

I understood everything the minute I saw her face. - 我一看見她的面孔,就明白了一切。

Don't worry. Everything will work out all right. - 別擔心了,一切都會好的。

But especially to my acting teacher, Vincent Lewis, who taught me everything I know. - 尤其是謝謝我的表演老師文森特.劉易斯,她教會了我反知道的每一件事。

And everything looked so different, compared with things in New York. - 與紐約相比,一切都那麼不一肅。

When you compare the prices,you must take everything into consideration. - 當你在考慮對比價格時,首先必須把一切都要考慮進去。

Please go over it and see if everything is in order. - 請過目一下,看看是否一切妥當。

Don't worry, leave everything to me. - 你不必擔心,一切還有我哪!

I ask him to tell me everything he did. - 我要求他告訴我,他所做的每件事情。

I ask him to tell me everything he heard. - 我要求他告訴我,他所聽到的每件事情。

I ask him to tell me everything he knew. - 我要求他告訴我,他所知道的每件事情。

I ask him to tell me everything he thought. - 我要求他告訴我,他所想得每件事情。

I ask hin to tell me everything he saw. - 我要求他告訴我,他所看到的每件事情。

I hope you everything will be fine. - 我希望你一切順利。

It is right to put everything in its proper use. - 凡事都應該用得其所。

Know something of everything and everything of something. - 既要有一般常識,又要有專業知識。

Knowing something of everything, and everything of something. - 通百藝而專一長。

Don't repeat everything I say! - 不要學我說話!

Love does much, money does everything (ormore). - 愛情做許多事,金錢做任何事。

One who can do everything can do nothing. - 什麼都能做,什麼都不行。

To know everything is to know nothing. - 事事皆知,事事不懂。

Who makes everything right must rise early. - 要把事事都做好,必須堅持起得早。

To know everything is to know nothing. - 樣樣通,樣樣松。

He does everything without aim. - 他做事都漫無目標。

He used to learn everything by rote. - 他過去總是死記硬背。

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