





r. belowa. nether


under['ʌndə]prep. 低於,少於;在...之下adv. 在下面;在下方adj. 下面的;從屬的


under 在…下面;在…之下;在下;在…項下,在…之下;go under 破產;失敗;沉沒;下沉,沉沒;UNDER SLEEVE 小袖;底袖,小袖;小袖片;小片袖 服裝部位英語;under cut 凹割;缺肉;路基下挖;倒勾;down under 南邊(常指面半球的澳洲);澳大利亞;澳新地區;南邊(常指面半球的澳洲);


1.We learned a great deal under his teaching. 在他的教導下,我們學到很多東西。

2.So cold and damp under the earth. 沒想到地下這麼的潮濕冰冷。

3.Please put your shoes under the bed. 請把自己的鞋子放到床下面。


It's seventy-five cents for adults and thirty cents for children under twelve. - 大人75美分,12歲以下的小孩30分。

Can you work under pressure? - 你能在壓力下工作嗎?

I think I see some fish right under us, Dad. - 爸爸, 我想我看見一些魚就在我們下方的水 。

If you're under twenty-one years of age ... - 如果你還不到二十一歲……

I see under activities that - 我注意到在 活動 項目中提到

clip it around under your collar. - 將它夾在領子下方。

It's the best we can do under the circumstances. - 情況就是這樣, 我們已經盡力而為了。

His family is a nuclear family with three generations living together under one roof. - 他的家庭是三代同堂住在同一屋簷下。

Our troop was under his command. - 我們的部隊由他指揮。

His wife has himi under her thumb. - 他完全受他妻子控制。

She's got him under her thumb. - 她把他給管住了。

Parents usually put a small red paper packet under their child's pillow. - 父母常常會在孩子枕頭下放一個小紅包。

I'm feeling under the weather. - 我覺得不舒服。

I'm feeling under the weather. - 我覺得不舒服。

I'm under a lot of pressure. - 我壓力很大。

She's been a bit under the weather recently. - 她近來身體不太好。

The city is under financial pressure. - 本市正遭遇財政困難。

Is this your pen? I found it under the desk. - 這是你的筆嗎?我在桌下撿的。

After a while,we found a shady place under some poplar trees. - 在一會兒以後,我們在一些白楊樹下面發現了一塊遮陰的地方。

We exchange products under almost all circumstances. - 在各種情形下我們都可更換產品。

In my opinion, the product must be priced under $ 300. - 就我的意見來說,產品價格必須訂在300美元以下。

The negotiations on the rights and obligations of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful. - 就合同保方的權利和義務方面的談判非常成功。

There is a mole under the ground. - 地下有一隻鼴鼠。

Her socks is under the night stand. - 她的短襪在床頭櫃下面。

If you want some shoes, look under the bed. - 如果你要鞋子,就在床底下。

Pride may lurk under a threadbare cloak. - 驕傲可能披著老一套的外衣出現。

I'm under a lot of pressure. - 我的壓力很大。

Keep your temper under control. - 不要發脾氣。

They misplaced this book under other categories. - 他們把它錯放到另一個類別去了。

He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. - 他夾著本厚書,走出了圖書館。

There are mice next to the refrigerator, under the sink and inside the cupboard! - 冰箱邊、洗碗槽下,還有櫥櫃裡面都有老鼠!

She's sitting under the tree. - 她正在樹蔭下坐著。

The ship is going under the bridge. - 那船正從橋下駛過。

Litter baskets have been placed under the trees, but people still throw their rubbish everywhere. - 樹下都已設置了廢物筐,但是人們仍到處扔垃圾。

It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. - 那是一年的最後一天,一大群人聚集在市政廳的大鐘下面。

The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent! - 那小溪彎彎曲曲穿過田野,然後正好從他們的帳篷底下流過去。

He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk. - 他把我領進屋,慌忙把一個大包藏到了桌子下面。

The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground. - 當這個隊的隊長正在檢查洞口附近的土壤時,那台機器顯示出它的下面埋有金子。

Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them! - 很多汽車在途中就拋了錨,而有些駕駛員花在汽車底下的時間比坐在汽車裡面的時間還長。

Firemen had been fighting the forest for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control. - 消防隊員們同那場森林大火搏鬥了將近3個星期才最後把火勢控制住。

In 1858, a French engineer, Aime Thome de Gamond, arrived in England with a plan for a twenty-one-mile tunnel under the English Channel. - 1858年,一位名叫埃梅。托梅。德。干蒙的法國工程師帶著建造一條長21英里、穿越英吉利海陝的隧道計劃到了英國。

Meanwhile, two other actors, Rockwall Slinger and Merlin Greeves, had carried two large food baskets to a shady spot under some trees. - 「此時,另外兩位演員,羅克沃爾。斯林格和默林。格裡夫斯,已經把兩個大食品籃子提到了一片樹蔭下。

Oil rigs have to be repaired frequently and divers,who often have to work in darkness a hundred feet under water, - 鑽井平台需要經常修理,潛水員常常要在水面100英尺以下摸黑工作,

the warm water round the hot oil pipes under the sea; - 海底熱的輸油管道附近的溫暖的海水;

He could make out three men in a basket under it and one of them was holding a pair of binoculars. - 他看清了氣球下面有3個人呆在一隻筐裡,其中一個舉著望遠鏡。

At a special swimming pool in Los Angeles, children become expert at holding their breath under water even before they can walk. - 在洛杉磯的一個特設的游泳池裡,孩子們甚至在還沒有學會走路時就已經能熟練地在水下屏住呼吸了。

Tricycles are lined up on the floor of the pool seven feet under water. - 三輪車並排放在7英尺深的游泳池底上。

Mrs.Richards quickly hid in the small storeroom under the stairs. - 便趕緊躲到了樓梯下的小儲藏室裡。

The platforms extend to a depth of over 100 feet under the sea. - 平台深入海底100英尺。

Though the crew were at first under the impression that the lost ship had been found, the contents of the chest proved them wrong. - 當一隻箱子從海底被打撈上來時,甲板上人們激動不已。船員們開始認為沉船找著了,但海底沉箱內的物品證明他們弄錯了。


the wound opened under the strain - 傷口崩開了

n. under coating - 內層塗料

steam under pressure - 加壓蒸氣

n. hydrostatic extrusion under back pressure - 反壓下的液力擠壓

n. fatigue under variable loading - 變動載荷下的疲勞

n. fatigue under variable loading - 變荷載疲勞

heat under reflux - 回流加熱

n. hydrostatic extrusion under back pressure - 在反壓力下靜液擠壓

under general circumstances - 在般情況下

n. map of the area under application - 應用地區圖

n. under coater - 底漆塗敷器

n. under cut - 底邊

intracardiac repair under direct vision - 心內直視修補術

cardiac operation under direct vision; open heart surgery - 心臟直視手術

intubation under direct vision - 明視插管術

be under age - 未滿成年

n. under hardening - 欠熱淬火

n. under hardening - 欠硬化

n. under annealing - 欠退火

n. under sea coal field - 海底煤場

n. corrosion under heat flux - 熱焊劑腐蝕

n. corrosion under heat flux - 熱通量腐蝕

separation of bicuspid valve under direct vision - 直視下二尖瓣分離術

correction under direct vision - 直視下矯正術

division under direct vision; exclusion under direct vision - 直視分離術

n. ladle refining under vacuum - 真空桶式提煉

urine of boy under 12 - 童便

boy under 12; virgin boy - 童男

examination under ultraviolet light - 紫外線照射檢查法

cells dna synthesis in; cells see under dna - 細胞內DNA合成

cells dna synthesis in; cells see under dna - 細胞內dna合成

under the knife - 經受外科手術

unit under test - 試驗用單位

removing burning wood from under the boiler; removing burning wood from under the boiler; to reduce excess heat by purgation - 釜底抽薪

under damping - 阻尼不足

n. flanging under high pressure - 高壓下折邊

n. cold rolling process under high pressure - 高壓下的冷壓法

n. flanging under high pressure - 高壓下的折邊

n. deep drawing under high pressure - 高壓下的深拉延

n. bulging under high pressure - 高壓下的脹形

n. bulging under high pressure - 高壓下膨脹

n. deep drawing under high pressure - 高壓深拉

examination under anaesthetic - 麻醉下診察

removal of foreign body in nose under rhinoscope - 鼻鏡下鼻內異物取除術


n.臥病 - be laid under

n.未滿成年 - be under age

n.童男 - boy under 12

n.心臟直視手術 - cardiac operation under direct vision

n.細胞內DNA合成,細胞內dna合成 - cells see under dna

n.直視下矯正術 - correction under direct vision

n.直視分離術 - division under direct vision

n.麻醉下診察 - examination under anaesthetic

n.紫外線照射檢查法 - examination under ultraviolet light

n.直視分離術 - exclusion under direct vision

n.回流加熱 - heat under reflux

n.明視插管術 - intubation under direct vision

n.心內直視修補術 - intracardiac repair under direct vision

高壓氧 - oxygen under high pressure

n.鼻鏡下鼻內異物取除術 - removal of foreign body in nose under rhinoscope

n.釜底抽薪 - removing burning wood from under the boiler

n.釜底抽薪 - removing burning wood from under the boiler

n.直視下二尖瓣分離術 - separation of bicuspid valve under direct vision

n.加壓蒸氣 - steam under pressure

n.傷口崩開了 - the wound opened under the strain

n.試驗用單位 - unit under test

n.童便 - urine of boy under 12


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