





a. off ,sour


a. unturned


turnedadj. 被轉動的;變質的;[金屬加工]車削的v. 使變成(turn的過去式);轉動


turned 車削的;旋成的;流轉;翻轉;turned knee 折肘;turned up 找到;找出;發現;出現;turned on 被扭開;哥特搖滾;被閉合;turned about 交替地;輪流地;輪番來回地;


1.He turned the handle of the door and went into the classroom. 他旋動門把手,走進教室。

2.You see, Copperfield, ' he said miserably, 'nothing has turned up yet. 「你知道,科波菲爾,」他痛苦地說道,「沒有任何轉機。

3.Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. 交談很快就轉到了對工作生活中壓力的抱怨。


I'd like to have this check turned to cash. - 我想將這張支票換成現金。

No, no. I turned it down because of me. - 不 ,不。我因為我自己而拒絕了它。

The more depressed he got, the more he turned to drink. - 他越是情緒低落就越是借酒消愁。

I turned to him for advice. - 我請求他提供高見。

It turned out he was Michael's father. - 原來他是麥克的父親。

Her guess turned out to be true. - 她的猜想結果成為事實。

He turned over his company to his son last year. - 去年他把公司交給兒子管理。

The work was turned over to the secretary. - 這項工作移交給了秘書。

I've turned over the management of my affairs to my brother. - 我已經把我的事務托付給我的兄弟去處理。

I turned off when they started talking about computers. - 當他們談論計算機時,我失去了興趣。

The news turned out to be false. - 那個消息後來證明是假的。

They've already turned on the electricity.The house is ready. - 他們已經開了電.房子是準備好了的。

The negotiations on the rights and obligations of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful. - 就合同保方的權利和義務方面的談判非常成功。

He turned white with amazement. - 他害怕得臉都蒼白了。

When I touched him on the shoulder, he turned around. - 我拍他的肩膀,他轉了過來。

That man was so disgusting, I was instantly turned off. - 那男人真噁心,我立即拒絕了他。

She was offered a job as a translator, but she turned it down. - 有人請她去作翻譯,她拒絕了。

It was very dark, so they turned on a torch. - 飯廳很暗,於是他們打開了手電筒。

He turned on the light, but he couldn't see anyone. The thieves had already gone. - 他開了燈,但不見一個人。小偷逃走了。

I turned round.I looked at the man and the woman angrily. - 我回過頭去怒視著那一男一女,

I turned round again. - 又一次回過頭去,

But none of them has been turned to stone yet! - 但到目前為止還沒有一個變成石頭呢!

I turned to look at the children, but there weren't any in sight: they had all run away! The man laughed when he realized what had happened. - 我轉過頭去看那些孩子,但一個也不見,全都跑了!當那個人明白了發生的事情時,笑了起來。

Though Mr.Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. - 雖然湯普森臨睡覺時把燈關了,但早晨燈卻都亮著。

A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax! - 一群蜜蜂把發動機當作了蜂房,發動機在蜂蠟中被完整地保存了下來。

When it grew dark, she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it, covering them with all the clothes she could find. - 天黑下來的時候,她把提箱當作小床,把兩個孩子放了進去,又把所有能找到的衣服都蓋在了孩子們身上。

when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. - 這時飛機突然調轉頭來,飛回了機場。

When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. - 考古工作者把這些碎片重新拼裝起來後,驚奇地發現那位女神原來是一位相貌十分摩登的女郎。

Imagine their dismay when they found a beautifully-cooked wallet and notes turned to ash! - 可以想像他們發現一隻煮得很好看的錢包,鈔票已化成灰時的沮喪心情。

After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. - 警報響過不久,巨輪急轉彎,以避免與冰山正面相撞。

The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense walk of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. - 「泰坦尼克」這個彎拐得及時,緊貼著高出海面100英尺的巨大的冰牆擦過去。

In fact, Mendoza soon became so successful that Humphries turned against him. - 事實上,門多薩不久便名聲大振,致使漢弗萊斯與他反目為敵。

It turned out to be snoring! Men were found to be the worst offenders. - 它竟然是鼾聲。人類是這方面的罪魁禍首。

when she remembered that she had gone shopping after the home help had left and she knew that she had turned both keys in their locks, - 但突然記起來了,幫手是在她出去買東西之前走的,她還記得曾用了兩把鑰匙把大門鎖上了。

and it seemed as though everything she possessed had been tossed out and turned over and over. - 看來她的每一件東西都被翻了出來,並且被裡裡外外看了遍。

Moreover, as soon as new knowledge is acquired, it is now turned to practical account. - 而且,新知識一旦獲得,便得到實際應用。

In 1953, a former electronics engineer in his fifties, Christopher Cockerell,who had turned to boat-building on the Norfolk Broads, - 在1953年,有一位50多歲名叫克裡斯托弗·科克雷爾的原電子工程師,改行在諾福克郡的湖泊地區從事造船業,

The negotiations on the rights and obligations of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful. - 就合同保方的權利和義務方面的談判非常成功。

I turned on the radio. She stopped crying and listened to the music. - 我打開收音機,她不哭了,聽音樂。

Before you leave the lab, make sure the electricity is turned off and the windows are shut. - 你們離開實驗室前,務必要關上電源,關好窗戶。

Some farmers have turned to keeping deer, and there are now about 3,000 deer farms in the country. - 一些農場主已轉向養鹿業,現在該國已有大約3000個養鹿場。

A further million watched as the fire, following Indian custom, turned his body to ashes. - 數百萬人注視著緩慢的送葬隊伍抬著他的遺體通過首都。還有上百萬人看著將他的遺體按印度習慣火化成骨灰。

He turned to the young lady. - 他轉向那位年輕的女士。

He turned to the police officer. - 他轉過身對警官說

When the police officer had taken away Hope Darwin, Tom Goode turned to the lawyer. - 當警官帶走霍普·達爾文以後,湯姆·古德轉向律師說。

Then it turned in a semicircle, ran straight again, and turned in another semicircle to the opposite side. - 然後轉一個半圈,再沿直線飛,再朝反方向轉個半圈。

We set off down the hill. At first it was easy walking over the grass. Then the grass turned to bushes and the hillside became steeper. We climbed over rocks, through trees and found it more and more difficult to get down the hill. By now we were beginnin - 我們開始下山,起初很容易地走過草地,後來草地變成了灌木叢,山峰變得更陡了。我們爬過岩石,穿過樹林,發現下山越來越難。這時我們感到疲憊,雨也下大了。我在一小塊草地上停下來,轉身看看跟在我後面的弟弟。就在這時我在兩塊岩石中間發現了一個洞。「我過去看看,」我喊?2282

I turned the corner and looked in astonishment. - 我轉了個彎,十分驚奇地看著。

Outside the rain had turned into a storm and lightning flashed over the hills. - 洞外,小雨已變成狂風暴雨,閃電劃過山崗。

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