turnkeys['tə:nki:]n. 獄吏;監獄的看守;[計]總控鑰匙;[醫]牙鑰
turnkeys 管理監牢者;
1.prisoners in London gaols fought battles with their turnkeys, and the majesty of the law fired blunderbusses in among them, loaded with rounds of shot and ball; 倫敦監獄的囚犯跟監獄看守大打出手;法律的最高權威對著囚犯開槍,大口徑短槍槍膛裡填進了一排又一排的子彈和鐵砂。
2.Report flies over Paris as on golden wings; penetrates the Prisons; irradiates the faces of those that were ready to perish: turnkeys and moutons, fallen from their high estate, look mute and blue. 消息象附在金翼,在巴黎上空飛揚,進入監獄之中,點亮了那些準備死亡的人的臉:看守人和從高貴地位降為待宰羔羊的罪人們不說話,臉色鐵青。
3.We handle project shipment and turnkeys through the most efficient and effective ways, especially for the oversize, awk-shape and/or heavy lift cargoes that require extreme care and professionalism. 對於一些比較棘手的專案運輸,我們可以提供快捷有效的方法,尤其是重件、奇形怪狀或超大件物品。