





flash apparatus flasher flash gun spark flash unit 閃光器;flash apparatus flasher flash gun spark flash unit 閃光器;flash flash into 閃現;FLASH-good effect of current language FLASH 很好的電流文字 效果的;flash column flash tower 閃蒸塔;


1.the flash of light that accompanies an electric discharge in the atmosphere (or something resembling such a flash); can scintillate for a second or more. 大氣中伴隨放電現象的閃光或與之類似的閃光;通常可以連續幾次放光。

2.Changes in rate of electrolyte leakage during storage of Chinese wampee axes after being dehydrated by flash drying FD:Flash drying. 標題: 圖3快速脫水不同時間的黃皮胚軸在貯藏過程中電解質滲漏速率的變化 Fig。

3.For manual flash photography, slide the switch lever of the flash unit to "M", and set the shutter speed between L32 to 90. The user-selected shutter speed flashes display. 用手動閃光拍攝時,請將閃光裝置的開關手柄撥向「M」,並將快門調至L32和90之間,您所選用的快門速度將會在液晶屏幕閃爍,同時在取景器顯示出現「100」。

4.Data on flash point or boiling point may be used. Where both are available, use flash point (See Appendix A). 可能會用到閃點和沸點相關數據。當兩者都可用時,使用閃點(見附件A)

5.You have finished beautiful flash-piece art picture by yourself after the flash glue dry. 待閃光膠干後,你已完成了自己創造的美麗的閃光片藝術畫。


a flash of lucidity of the dying - 迴光返照

flash photoopthalmia - 強閃光眼炎

flash methob - 快速牛奶消毒法

n. flash welding - 火花焊

flash labeling - 瞬時標記

cells flash labeling of - 細胞的脈衝標記

xenon flash light source - 脈衝氙燈光源

n. flash plating - 薄鍍

n. corner flash welder - 角接閃光焊機

n. corner flash welder - 角部電弧對接焊

flash methylation - 速甲基化

n. copper flash smelting furnace - 銅閃速熔煉爐

flash light signal; flashing signal - 閃光信號

flash photolysis - 閃光光解

flash spectrum - 閃光光譜

n. flash butt welding - 閃光對接焊

n. flash coat - 閃光塗覆層

flash light - 閃光燈

flash bindness; flashblindness - 閃光盲

n. flash penetration - 閃光穿透

n. flash plating - 閃光鍍敷

flash point - 閃點

flash point tester - 閃點測定器

flash test - 閃點試驗

n. flash method - 閃現法

n. flash point - 閃現點

n. flash roasting - 閃現焙燒

n. flash smeltering slag - 閃現熔渣

quick cupping; successive flash cupping - 閃罐法


n.迴光返照 - a flash of lucidity of the dying

n.細胞的脈衝標記 - cells flash labeling of

潮熱 - hot flash

n.閃罐法 - successive flash cupping

n.脈衝氙燈光源 - xenon flash light source

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