druther['drʌðə]adv. 寧可
1.but I'd druther been bit with a snake than pap's whisky. 不過,我寧願給蛇咬,也不願意喝爸爸的酒。
2.Say -- I'm going in a-swimming, I am. Don't you wish you could? But of course you'd druther work -- wouldn't you? Course you would! 哈,告訴你吧,我可是要去游泳了。難道你不想去嗎?當然啦,你寧願在這幹活,對不對?當然你情願!
3."Druther break cayuses any day, and twice on Sundays, " was the reply of the driver, as he climbed on the wagon and started the horses. 「他這一手可以用來訓練野馬,星期天來兩次都行。」運輸工一邊回答,一邊爬上貨車,起動了馬達。