rpnabbr. 風險優先數(Risk Priority Number);逆波蘭表示法
RPN Reverse Polish Notation;Reverse Polish Notation;註冊參數號;風險關鍵指數;RPN RidgePolynomialNetwork 紋脈多項式網絡;Rcv RPN 接收已註冊參數號開關;Recalculation of RPN 重新估計RPN;RPN risk priority number 風險順序數;風險領先指數;風險領先指數 n 蹍?蒙 ?;
1.The advantage of RPN is that you can get rid of parentheses, without sacrificing the order of execution. 後置序式輸入的好處在於無需要用括號也可以指定運算的順序。
2.To explore the directive significance on the differentiated treatment of rapid-progressed nephritis (RPN) by toxic pathogen. 探討毒邪對急進性腎炎發病及治療的指導意義。
3.In RPN, to input an equation, you usually start from the inner core to the outer. For a given equation, there are many input sequences that lead to the same answer. 一般來說後置序式輸入都是由內而外打進去,而且一條數式往往不同的輸入順序都可以得到同樣的答案。