anti-communist['ænti'kɔmjunist]n. 反共adj. 反共的
get the anti-Communist message out 散播**訊息;Act Governing the Farmland Grants to Anti-Communist and Anti-Soviet Union Soldiers 抗俄戰士授田條例;反共抗俄戰士授田條例;
1.Mr Kaczynski, like his brother, was known for personal integrity and his deep roots in Poland's anti-communist opposition movement. 卡欽斯基先生與他的孿生哥哥一樣,以個人操守、及與波蘭反共抵抗運動的深厚淵源而著稱。
2.ASEAN was founded in 1967 as an anti-communist coalition, but now includes two communist states -- Vietnam and Laos -- as well as military-ruled Burma. 東盟1967年成立時是一個反黨聯盟,但是現在卻包括越南和寮國這兩個黨國家以及軍人統治的緬甸。
3.ASEAN was founded in 1967 as an anti-communist coalition, but now includes two communist states -- Vietnam and Laos -- as well as military-ruled Burma. 東盟1967年成立時是個反共產黨聯盟,但是現在卻包括越南和老撾這兩個共產黨國家以及軍人統治的緬甸。