





DELAY Delay Line 延遲截止;delay switch time-delay switch 延時開關;delay switch time-delay switch 延時開關;adjusted delay 蝶延遲;調節延遲;Dorothy Delay 蕾教授;西狄蕾;


1.The relations between phase delay, envelope delay, group delay, phase intercept delay and network phase are deduced, especially the group delay equation is deduced in detail. 導出了相時延、包絡時延、群時延、相截時延與網絡相位特性之間的關係,詳細推導了群時延公式,並簡要討論了各種時延之間的相互關係及應用問題。

2.Excusable Delay where the term is used in this Agreement shall mean those causes of delay specifically identified in Article 7 hereof(Excusable Delay). 本協議中使用的「可容許的遲延」一術語是指由本協議第7條(可諒解延遲)中明文規定的遲延原因。

3.Tap in a delay time or select on a per-channel basis, you get up to 10 seconds of delay time with each delay line. 塔在拖延時間,或選擇在每通道的基礎上,您可以獲得最多10秒鐘的延遲時間與每個延遲線。

4.Injection delay time 2: timing starts when the injection delay time 1 is up, and injection signal is sent when the injection delay time 2 is up. 射出延遲時間2:「射出延遲時間1」到達後開始計時,時間到達後送出壓射信號。

5.This article conducts some thorough researches in mechanism of the short-delay blasting technology, the choice of short-delay time interval as well as the short-delay blasting network. 本文對微差起爆技術的作用原理、微差間隔時間的選擇以及微差起爆網路進行一些深入的研究。


OK. But don't delay too long. Or that trip will be all booked. - 好,但不要拖太久,否則會訂滿的。

Roast duck. There will be a slight delay for that. - 烤鴨。那會稍微慢一點。

The hour's delay was most annoying. - 這時候耽誤是最令人煩惱的。

Other buyers are satisfied with it, but we could delay it if you could pay 40 percent up front. - 其他買主對這貨物很滿意,但如果你能先付40%貨款,我們可以延遲交運。

We want to cancel the contract because of your delay in delivery. - 由於貴方交貨拖延,我方要求取消合同。

We are sorry to delay the shipment because our manufacturer has met unexpected difficulties. - 恕延期貨船,因為我們廠家遇到了預料不到的困難。

What seems to be the delay in shipping? - 你們出貨延遲了,是什麼原故呢?


n. critical delay time - 臨界延遲時間

n. forge delay time - 加壓滯後時間

n. delay material - 延時材料

n. delay blasting - 延時爆炸

delay action; delayed action - 延遲作用

n. delay screen - 延遲式螢光屏

n. delay material - 延遲材料

delay circuit - 延遲電路

delay flin-flop - 延遲觸發器

n. weld delay time - 焊接延遲時間

n. weld delay time - 焊縫延遲時間

delay in standing; retardation in standing; retardation of standing in infants - 立遲

ultrasonic delay line - 超聲延遲線


n.軸突延遲 - axonal delay

n.中區延擱 - central delay

n.分裂延遲,細胞分裂延遲 - division delay

生長延緩 - growth delay

n.突變遲延 - mutational delay

核延遲 - nuclear delay

表型遲延 - phenotypic delay

分離延遲 - segregational delay

n.突觸延遲,突觸延擱 - synaptic delay

n.終點遲滯 - terminal delay

n.時間延遲,延時 - time delay

n.超聲延遲線 - ultrasonic delay line

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