





delayed adolescence 釋義:青春期延遲;延遲青年期;delayed aftereffect 釋義:延遲後效應;delayed allergy 釋義:遲髮型變態反應,延遲變應性;遲髮型變態反應,遲髮型過敏反應;delayed automatic agin control 延遲式自動增益控制;delayed-blanch reaction 釋義:遲髮型轉白反應;


1.With a variation of the time delay in the delayed resonator, the stable and unstable regions for both the delayed resonator and combined system are obtained. 結果表明,直接法計算簡單,得到的結果與穩定性切換方法得到的結果相一致。

2.Being one of heavy-oil process methods, after a long dreary time, delayed coking developed rapidly in recent years, The scale of delayed coking unit is becoming larger than ever before. 作為重質油加工手段之一的延遲焦化裝置在沉寂了多年以後,最近幾年得到快速發展,裝置規模也越來越大型化,同時新工藝、新技術、新產品不斷推出並適時運用到新的延遲焦化裝置項目中。

3.The combustion profile of delayed coke was typical thermogravimetric one and there was little difference among different delayed cokes. 實驗發現,延遲焦為典型的燃燒反應曲線,並且不同延遲焦的反應性差別很小。

4.My response times are therefore delayed. People sometimes interpret my delayed response as a lack of interest. Under most circumstances they are mistaken. 所以我的反應就有延遲。有時候別人認為我反應慢是因為我對他們的話題不感興趣。在大多數情況下,他們是誤會了。

5.Low temperature storage delayed flower abloom, inhibited fungus infection, thus prolonged the vase life of cut flower. 低溫貯藏可有效延緩采後花朵開放,抑制黴菌感染率,延長貯藏壽命。


The plane's been delayed 10 minutes. - 飛機晚點了十分鐘。

Not really, I'm afraid. We were delayed taking off, and we encountered a lot of bad weather. - 不太好,我們起飛延誤了,還遭遇了惡劣的氣候。

Ships may be delayed by storms; flights may be cancelled because of bad weather, but trains must be on time. - 輪船船期可能因風暴而推延,飛機航班可能因惡劣天氣而取消,唯有火車必然是准點的。

Mrs. Zhu, I called to tell you that the conference has been delayed until the 15th and 16th. - 朱夫人,我來告訴你會議已經推遲到了15號至16號開。


delayed suture; primo-secondary suture - 兩次縫術

delayed eruption of deciduous tooth - 乳牙晚出

delayed exuviation - 乳牙晚脫

delayed occlusion - 關閉遲延

delayed dentition; retarded dentition - 出牙延遲

delayed menarche; delayed menstruation; delayedmenarche; tardiness of mensis - 初經遲延

delayed conditioned reflex - 咽薊禾跫瓷浹

delayed fallout - 延尺放射性落下灰

delayed implantation; delayed nidation - 延延緩著床

delayed action capsules - 延效膠囊

delayed healing - 延期癒合

delayed suture - 延期縫合

delayed reflex - 延緩反射

delayed excretory urography - 延緩性靜脈尿路造影

n. delayed fracture - 延緩斷裂

delayed fallout - 延緩沉降

delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity reaction - 延緩皮膚過敏性反應

delayed footapad reaction - 延緩腳跟試驗

n. delayed neutron - 延遲中子

delay action; delayed action - 延遲作用

delayed reaction; late reaction - 延遲反應

delayed deformation - 延遲變形

n. delayed transformation - 延遲變換

delayed auditory feedback - 延遲聽反饋

n. delayed echo - 延遲回波

n. delayed cracking - 延遲開裂

delayed conditioned necrosis - 延遲性條件壞死

delayed soan - 延遲掃瞄

delayed time - 延遲時間

n. delayed quenching - 延遲淬火

delayed heat - 延遲熱

delayed coincidence - 延遲符合

delayed pulse oscillator - 延遲脈衝發生器

delayed automatic gain control - 延遲自動增益控制

delayed fluorescence - 延遲螢光

n. delayed crack - 延遲裂紋

delayed union; delayedunion - 延遲連接

delayed opening - 開放遲延

n. delayed time-base sweep - 掃瞄延遲

delayed menstrual cycle - 月經延後

delayed menstruation - 月經過期

delayed miction; delayed urination - 排尿延遲

delayed menarche; delayedmenarche - 月經初期延遲

delayed menstrual cycle - 月經後期

delayed eruption of footh - 牙萌出延遲

delayed physiological development - 生理性延遲發育

skin delayed hypersensitivity - 皮膚遲發超敏反應

direct delayed reaction - 直接遲緩反應

type delayed hypersensitivity - 第四型過敏反應

delayed menarche; delayedmenarche - 經初期延遲


n.直接遲緩反應 - direct delayed reaction

n.遲報率 - rate of delayed report

n.皮膚遲發超敏反應 - skin delayed hypersensitivity

n.第四型過敏反應 - type delayed hypersensitivity

室延遲電位 - ventricular delayed potential

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