





OF[ɔv, əv, v, f]prep. 關於;屬於;…的;由…組成的


OF 石油燃料;Overflow Flag;屬於;反,對,向上,完全;regardless of 不顧,不惜;不管,不顧;不顧,不惜,不注意;不顧;approve of 贊成;贊成,滿意;讚賞,同意;獲准,認可;inclusive of 把…包括在內;把……包括在內;包括的,包含的;把包括在內;out of 在……外;離開……;喪失,失去;缺乏,沒有;


1.My fellow citizens of the world:ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. 全世界的公民們,不要問美國將為你們做些什麼,而要問我們共同能為人類的自由做些什麼。(約翰·肯尼迪)

2.The aim of the nursing education is not only to have the knowledge of nursing, but also the quality and ability to care for others. 護理教育的目標是培養既具有專業護理知識,又具有人文關懷和照顧他人的品質和能力的高素質人才。

3.That would help all of us to use the machinery that we have in place for considering these data and for arriving at policy recommendations. 這將幫助我們所有的人來運用機構,在該機構中我們佔有適當的位置,考慮這些數據,並且達到政策建議。


He's stepped out of the office for a little while. - 他離開辦公室剛一會兒。

What's the spelling of your family name, sir? - 您的姓怎麼拼,先生?

Great and please make sure the room has a nice view of the park. - 很好,要定那個可以看到公園美麗景色的房間。

I need to cancel that. We have had a last minute change of plans. - 我要取消預約,我們臨時改變計劃了。

How much notice of cancellation is necessary to get my deposit back? - 想把定金拿回來,要提前多長時間通知你才行?

Will you be so kind as to help me out of the difficulty? - 幫助我克服困難,好嗎?

I'm in great need of your assistance. - 我特別需要您的幫助。

Yes. I wonder if you can send up some of boiling water for me. - 是的,你可以送點開水上來嗎?

I'd like to get some of today's papers sent to my room. - 我想要些今天的報紙送到我的房間。

When would you be fond of receiving the call? - 你喜歡什麼時候叫您?

I've just been the victim of a robbery. - 我被搶劫了。

Uh, uh, it's 888 Grant Avenue. It's a block east of Washington Square. - 嗯,哦,是Grant大道888號。華盛頓廣場東邊的一個街區。

May I speak to the head of the household? - 我可以請戶主聽電話嗎?

I am calling on behalf of the Private Teacher Company. - 我代表家教公司給您打電話。

I am a representative of Politics Association. - 我是政治協會的代表。

Yes. This product will save you a lot of money and time. - 是的。這個產品可為你節省很多的錢和時間。

Hello. This is a representative of Zhongyou Department Store. - 喂,您好。我是中友百貨的。

I'm sure I won't. I really appreciate all of your hospitality. - 這點我相信。我真的很感激你的招待。

That's very nice of you. Where did you get it? It's not a print. - 真細心!你從哪兒弄來的?這還不是複製的呢!

Don't worry about it. It's a taken of my appreciation for your business, and friendship. - 沒關係的。這是向你表示我們在生意及友誼上的一點心意。

Thank you for taking care of me here. - 多謝您的周到招待。

I really appreciate all of your hospitality. - 十分感謝您的款待。

Can you give me some forms of identification? - 你能給我什麼證明身份的文件嗎?

There are several tours of the Grand Canyon. - 到大峽谷有好幾個旅遊團。

In addition, it's great exercise too, since we do a lot of hiking. - 還有,那也是個好的運動,因為我們要長距離徒步旅行。

Is it true that it's full of wonders there? - 那裡充滿了奇異的景觀,是真的嗎?

What type of visa have you got? - 您持的是哪種簽證?

Would you please make a record of all your foreign currencies? - 請把你所帶的外幣登記一下,好嗎?

If I were you, I'd try one of the newspaper stands. - 如果我是你,我會到一個書報亭去看看。

Yes. I have a room booked with you, for three days starting today. Name of Lu, L-U. - 是的,我已向你們訂了房間,從今天開始,共三天。姓陸,L-U。

Yes, of course. - 可以,當然可以。

That's alright. You're a lot of help. - 沒關係。你幫了很大的忙。

What type of car did you want, sir? - 先生,你想要什麼類型的轎車?

Yes, of course. - 可以,當然可以。

There are four of us including my parents, a younger sister and me. - 有四口人,父母親、妹妹和我。

Are you a resident of Shanghai? - 你是上海市居民嗎?

Are you a citizen of the People's Republic of China? - 你是中華人民共和國的公民嗎?

My father is an engineer of a construction company, and mother is a doctor. - 我父親是一家建築公司的工程師,母親是一名醫生。

They are above average 85. I'm among the upper third of my class. - 我的平均成績在85分以上。我是全班第三名。

Why were you out of work for so long? - 你為何這麼久沒有工作?

so I thought it would be a good place for me to make use of the experience I have had. - 所以,我想這裡會是運用我已有經驗的好地方。

Oh, here are my certificate of merit. - 哦,這裡是我的獲獎證書。

What kind of experience do you have for the job? - 你有什麼與這份工作有關的工作經驗嗎?

What I really want is the chance to learn some advanced methods of management. - 我真正希望的是有機會學到一些先進的管理方法。

Which band of College English Test have you passed? - 大學英語考試過了幾級?

What kind of personality do you think you have? - 你認為你具有哪種性格?

What kind of person do you think you are? - 你覺得你是那種人?

What kind of people do you work with? - 你最喜歡和哪類人合作?

I have many hobbies. I like almost all kinds of sports and I also like classical music. - 我有很多愛好,喜歡各種運動,也喜歡古典音樂。

Which part of the paper do you read first? - 你會先看報紙的哪一部分?


n. map of ore reserves - 一個貯存庫圖

a dose of medicine - 一服藥

determination of nitric oxide - 一氧化氮測定

absorbents of carbon monoxide - 一氧化碳吸收劑

determination of carbon monoxide - 一氧化碳測定

herb of red tassel flower; tasselblower - 一點紅

a spasm of pain - 一陣痛苦

seven kinds of impairments - 七傷

seven kinds of paradoxical pulse condition; seven moribund pulses - 七怪脈

depression of the senve emotions generates fire - 七情郁而化火

seven kinds of hernia - 七疝

law of gravitation; newtons law - 萬有引力定律

heat in tri-jiao of excess type - 三產熱

three periods of dog days; triple summer - 三伏

trifurcation of root - 三分叉根

mandibular branch block of trigeminal nerve - 三叉神經下頜支封閉

mesencephalic tract of trigeminal nerve - 三叉神經中腦束

mesencephalic nucheus of trigeminal nerve - 三叉神經中腦核

radix sensoria nervitrigemini; sensory root of trigeminal nerve - 三叉神經感覺根

avulsion of peripheral branch of trigeminal nerve - 三叉神經末段撕脫術

nuclei nervi trigemini; nuclei of trigeminal verve - 三叉神經核

toot of trigeminal nerve - 三叉神經根

neuofibroma of trigeminal nerve - 三叉神經神經纖維瘤

spinal tract of trigeminal nerve; tractus spinalis nervi trigemini - 三叉神經脊束

nucleus of spinal tract of trigeminal nerve - 三叉神經脊束核

nucleus pontinus nervi trigemini; pontine nucleus of trigeminal nerve - 三叉神經腦橋核

motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve; nucleus motorius nervi trigemini - 三叉神經運動核

motor root of trigeminal nerve; radix motoria nervi trigemini - 三叉神經運動根

three grades of medicimes; three grades of medicines - 三品

three categories of etiologic factors - 三因

powder of three wonderful drugs - 三妙散

downward displace ment of tricuspid valve - 三尖瓣低位

auscultatory area of tricupsid valve - 三尖瓣聽診區

three pulling manipulations of massage - 三扳法

decoction of three rude drugs - 三拗湯

massage with three kinds of boards; tri-abular massage - 三板療法

three types of diabetes - 三消

heat in tri-jiao of excess type - 三焦實熱

disease of tri-jiao - 三焦病

cold and feebleness in the triple heater; cold syndromes of deficiency type - 三焦虛寒

three types of arthralgia - 三痺

failure of body to supinate; inability to lie flat - 不得偃臥

method of subjective refraction; subjective trial of lens - 主覺驗光法

cardinal ligament of uterus - 主韌帶

drooping of the upper eyelids; ptosis - 舉抬無力

consumption of yin caused by prolonged fever; persistent fever injuring yin essence - 久熱傷陰

dry cough inthe case of a prologed illness - 久病乾咳

n. three types of cooling - 三種冷卻

extraction of trifin anil - 三翼釘拔出術

triplet of polypeptides - 三聯多肽鏈


n.骨瘦如柴 - a bag of bones

n.胞臉腫墜 - a bearing sensation of eyelid

n.麻疹險證 - a critical case of measles

n.一服藥 - a dose of medicine

n.瘧疾發作 - a fit of malaria

n.迴光返照 - a flash of lucidity of the dying

n.大量的,許多 - a great number of

n.肘後備急方 - a handbook of prescriptions for emergencies

n.脈訣 - a Handbook of Pulse in Verse

n.嗅覺靈敏 - a keen sense of smell

n.精神不健全的人 - a man of unsound mind

n.治療血虛的方法,血墚證治法 - a method to treat insufficiency of the blood

n.診斷專著 - a monograph on the diagnosis of diseases

n.重生 - a new lease of life

n.脂肪酸a-氧化 - a-oxidation of fatty acid

n.等份 - a prescription composed of drugs of equal amount

n.失意 - a sense of frustration

n.麻疹逆證 - a severe deteriorating case of measles

n.單窠癘 - a singular scrofula of necls

n.小周天 - a small circle of the evolrtive

n.一陣痛苦 - a spasm of pain

n.經盡 - a stop of progress

n.虛寒症 - a variety of cold syndrome

n.退熱 - abatement of fever

n.自衄 - abatement of fever by epistaxis

n.消煙除塵 - abatement of smoke

n.網膜膿腫 - abcess of omentum

n.經腹直肌切口 - abdominal excision of tubal fimbria

n.氣積 - abdominal mass due to stagnation of qi

n.輸卵管腹腔口 - abdominal orifice of uterine tube

n.寒積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold

n.寒積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold evil

n.血虛腹痛 - abdominal pain due to deficiency of blood

n.食積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to reention of food

n.血滯腹痛 - abdominal pain due to stagnation of blood

n.氣結腹痛;n.氣滯腹痛 - abdominal pain due to stagnation of qi

n.輸尿管腹部 - abdominal part of ureter

n.直腸經腹會陰切除術 - abdominoperineal resection of rectum

n.髖關節外展 - abduction of the hip joint

n.聲帶外展麻痺 - abduction paralysis of vocal cord

拇腳趾展肌 - abductor muscle of great toe

小指展肌 - abductor muscle of little finger

小趾展肌 - abductor muscle of little toe

n.腎迷走血管 - aberrant vessel of kidney

睪丸變型,睪丸異位 - aberration of testicle

n.動員能力 - ability of mobilization

n.定向力 - ability of orientation

n.動脈內膜剝除術 - ablation of endarterium

n.相火妄動 - abnormal activities of the premier fire

n.尿色異常 - abnormal color of urine

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