SLVabbr. 衛星運載火箭(Satellite Launching Vehicle);標準運載火箭(Standard Launch Vehicle)
SLV 斯洛文尼亞;Satellite Launch Vehicle;薩爾瓦多;斯洛文尼亞語;SLV Sleeve 套,護套;SV SLV 薩爾瓦多;LEFT SLV HEM 左袖底邊;左袖擺;SLV-3 火箭-3;
1.The standard liver volume (SLV) and the ratio of left lobe volume to SLV were calculated. 通過計算得到標準肝體積及殘餘左半肝的比例。
2.3D-CT can also measure liver volume accurately, and the ratio of RLV to SLV can partly predict postoperative liver function status. 多排螺旋CT三維重建可較準確測量肝體積,殘肝體積與標準肝體積比值可幫助預測術後肝功能恢復情況。
3.GV/SLV were all more than 40%. The 3 pairs of recipients and donors recovered uneventfully. No small-for-size syndrome or severe complications occurred. 3對供者及患者術後均恢復良好,無小肝綜合征發生,均未出現嚴重併發症。