v. drum out ,eject ,kick out ,rout
expel[ik'spel]vt. 驅逐;開除
expel 開除;排除;開除,驅除;驅逐,逐出;Expel Summoned 放逐召喚物;Expel Hexes 降咒驅逐;expel from 驅逐出;開除;驅逐;射出;Expel Undead 驅趕亡靈;
1.The headmaster may expel the boy from the 校長可能要把那個男孩從學校開除。
2.For example, the committee might suspend or expel a student. 舉例來說,委員會可能讓學生休學或開除。
3.One, syrup of ipecac, is a fluid that helps the body expel material from the stomach. 第一種是吐根糖漿,這是一種可以幫助身體將胃裡物質排出體外的液體。
ouishing the lbood to expel wind - 養血祛風
dispersing accumulation of pathogen; dispersing taccumulation of pathogen; dissolving lumps; expel stagnatin; reducing the stagnation; resolue masses - 散結
arresting wind and expelling cold; expel wind and cold - 搜風逐寒
expel the heat-evil to loose the bowels - 洩熱痛便
expel the superficial heat of ynag - 清洩表陽熱邪
expel etness-cold evil with drugs of warm nature; expelling pathogenic cold and dampness - 溫寒化濕
expel wind and cold; expel wind evil and clear away cold - 祛風散寒
expel stagnatin - 除結
expel parasites - 驅除寄生蟲
measles without adequate eruption to expel toxins - 麻疹閉證
n.麻疹閉證 - measles without adequate eruption to expel toxins
n.養血祛風 - ouishing the lbood to expel wind