Nicaraguan. 尼加拉瓜(拉丁美洲一國家)
NICARAGUA 尼加拉瓜; 尼加拉瓜;尼加拉瓜共和國;聯合國核查尼加拉瓜選舉觀察團;Nicaragua Coffees 尼加拉瓜咖啡;Nicaragua L 尼加拉瓜;Nicaragua H 尼加拉瓜;Lake Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜湖;
1.Conducting Leadership Training Programme in Nicaragua, Kenya, India, Ecuador and Thailand for youth from around the world. 進行領導能力培訓方案:在尼加拉瓜、肯尼亞、印度、厄瓜多爾和泰國舉辦。
2.El Salvador has a " road of flowers, " and Nicaragua has a " road of white villages" connecting villages from the colonial period. 薩爾瓦多有一條「花之路」,尼加拉瓜的「白色村莊之路」連接殖民時期留下來的各個村莊。
3.Zelaya, who briefly crossed the border today from Nicaragua said he was forced to take action after US-backed talks failed to reach a negotiated settlement. 今天從尼加拉瓜匆匆穿越邊境的塞拉亞說,在由美國支持的協商談判失敗後,他採取行動是迫不得已。