purchasedadj. 已經購買的v. 購買(purchase的過去分詞)
purchased 購買;已經購買的;bill purchased 買入票據;出口 押匯;買單或買票;出品押匯;materials purchased 進料;物資採購;購入原材料;purchased price 採購價格;Bills Purchased 買人單據;
1.With the molds an unlimited number of machines can be built with locally purchased metal parts. 有了這模型,在當地購買金屬部件能建的機器數量是不受限制的。
2.The greatest gifts in life are not purchased, but acquired through hard work and determination. 最大的禮物是在生活中沒有購買,但後天的辛勤努力和決心。
3.If we do allow fireworks to be purchased then we must set an age limit that no one can buy fireworks under the age of twenty one. 如果我們要允許人們購買焰火,那麼我們必須在購買年齡上設一個限制:任何在二十一歲以下的人都不可以購買焰火。
It had been purchased by a local authority so that an enormous pie could be baked for an annual fair. - 某地方當局買下它用來焙制一個巨大的餡餅為一年一度交易會助興。