





dovetailing industrial production and commercial purchase plans 工商計劃銜接;backlogged purchase order delivery schedule line 未交付採購訂單的交貨計劃行;bargain purchase 廉價進貨;買便宜貨;Newsstand Purchase Ratio 報攤購買比例;Compulsory Purchase 徵收;強制購買;強制收買;強制購買權;


1.Sensitive conception of purchase cost saving, and make sure purchase activity strictly in line with Purchase procedure. 較強的採購成本節約意識,保證採購行為嚴格地遵守公司的採購程序。

2.Specific to the purchase contract and loan signing contracts effective after the payment of the purchase invoices, and make the purchase date for the month of the start-up time discount policy. 具體以簽訂有效的購房合同和貸款合同後,支付購房款並取得購房發票日期的當月為享受貼息政策起始時間。

3.Shenzhen purchase a specific time for the normal trading hours, purchase referred to as "cable Cyclones" purchase code "00227

6. 申購具體時間為深交所正常交易時間,申購簡稱為「萬馬電纜」,申購代碼「002276」。

4.Loan applications can be purchase, car, purchase large commodities, tourism, education and so on. 貸款的用途可以是購房、購車、添置大件商品、旅遊、教育等等。

5.On like real estate new deal such, from lives in the purchase housing to be possible the more preferential policies, regarding hypes the housing purchase to want the strict limit congenially. 就如房地產新政那樣,自住型購買住房可以更多的優惠政策,對於投機炒作住房購買則要嚴格限制。


Is there a limit to how many I can purchase at this price? - 我買這種東西在數量上有什麼限制嗎?

Looking around. Especially with a purchase of this kind. - 到處看看, 特別是這一類買賣。

I want to purchase some computers from your company. - 我想從貴公司購買一些電腦。

We want to purchase Chinese tea. Please send us your best offer by fax indicating origin packing, quantity available and the earliest time of shipment. - 我們欲購中國茶。請用電傳給我們報最好價,並說明產地、包裝、可供數量及最早發貨日期。

Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it . - 為了求知識,代價雖高也值得。

Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it. - 我們為了求知識,付出高價也值得。

The curious bottle, which now adorns the bookcase in his study, was his first and last purchase of rare cosmetics. - 在他書房的書櫃裡擺著那瓶形狀古怪的香水泥就是他第一次也是最後一次購買的稀有化妝品。

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