snowiest['snəui]adj.snowy的變形adj. 雪的;下雪的多雪的;被雪覆蓋的融雪的;似雪的雪白的;潔白無瑕的(電視等)有「雪花」干擾的變形: snowier , snowiest
1.after the first painful day alone in the cold. snowy suburbs. I found myself doing the work quite happily in what turned out to be the coldest and snowiest weather foy several years . 僅僅在冰天雪地白雪皚皚的市郊工作了痛苦的第一天後。我就發現我自己在這個多年未遇的最惡劣的冬天非常快樂地工作著。
2.Strangely enough, after the first painful day alone in the cold, snowy suburbs, I found myself doing the work quite happily in what turned out to be the coldest and snowiest weather for several years. 令人詫異的是,在天寒地凍,風雪交加的小鄉村裡孤獨的度過了艱苦的第一天後,我發現在這樣一個近幾年最寒冷,雪最大的天氣下我仍然能快樂的工作。