ten commandments of speculator 投機十戒;Speculator 投機者;投機商;思索者;投機者 從事投機活動的人,即那些買進(或賣出)商品或金融資產,並意在以後以較高(或較低)價格賣出(或買進)並從中獲利的人;Professional speculator 專業投機商;realestate speculator 炒房者;luck epig speculator 炒房者;
1.A good speculator can rattle off the latest prices, but a good hedger will quote you the latest premiums of faraway contracts over the nearby ones. 優秀的投機者能背出市場的最新價,但是優秀的對沖者能背出最新的遠期合約比近期合約溢價多少。
2.Jesse Livermore, a great speculator of the twentieth century, used to say that there is time to go long, time to go short, and time to go fishing. 20世界最偉大的投機者傑西
3.A speculator may try to amass great wealth. 投機商總想方設法積聚大量財富。
4.But at $86 today, crude prices have moved above a recent trading range, which could signal a speculator-led bull charge. 不過,油價目前為每桶86美元,位於最近交易區間以上,這可能意味著投機者主導的漲勢。
5.Losses make the speculator studious--not profits. Take advantage of every loss to improve your knowledge of market action. 賺錢不能贏害,但能使投機者仔細研究。捉住每一次賺錢的機遇,改良你對市場行動的懂得。