take-home['teikhəum]adj. 可帶回家的,(在沒有監管情況下)可帶回家做的(工資)(扣稅等後)實得的實際得到的n. =take-home pay
take-home 帶回家的;take-home pay 實得工資;實收薪金;實發工資;淨薪;Take-home Exam (課外考試):學生可把試題拿回家或宿舍完成的書面考試。;(課外考試):學生可把試題拿回家或在宿舍完成的書面考試。;(課外考試):學生可把試題拿回家或宿舍完成的書面考試。;帶回家自己考試;take-home engine unit 應急航行機組;Group discussion about take-home assignments 關於 習作 的小組討論;
1.There are two take-home exams for the semester. Relevant dates are listed in the calendar. 這個學期有兩個攜回測驗。相關的日期安排都列在教學時程當中。
2.Even as consumer incomes have withered in this recession, the government has helped stabilize take-home pay. 雖然消費者收入在經濟衰退中受到了衝擊,但政府已幫助穩定了實得工資。
3.Due dates are shown for all of the course assignments, including the preparation of cases, group problem sets, take-home midterm exam, and group projects. 這裡列出了所有的課程作業的上交日期,包括課程預習、小組的問題集、帶回家完成的期中考試和小組項目。