PREabbr. 煉油工程師(Petroleum Refining Engineer)
Pre 前置,預備,之前;前,先;預格式;部分強化效應;Pre emphasis 預加重;預修正;pre ure 壓力;加壓燒結;壓力,壓強;pre irradiation 預照射;先輻照;PRE PrepaymentCoinTelephone 先投幣式公用電話;
1.The framework pre-defines a few directives. 本框架預定義了一些指示符。
2.A quality standard that allows a pre specified number of defects. 一種允許事先列明一定數量缺陷的質量標準。
3.Try this word matching for winter below. You might have to pre teach some of the vocabulary first. 試做下面的拖拽匹配練習。在開始練習前,請先預習一下有關冬季的詞彙。
pre βlipoprotein; preβlipoprotein - 前β脂蛋白
pre heterokinesis; preheterokinesis - 前異化分裂
pre equilibration; preequilibration - 前置平衡
pre column; precolumn - 前置柱
pre lipoprotein; prelipoprotein - 前脂蛋白
pre enzyme; preenzyme; preferment; proenzyme; zymogen - 前酶
pre ejectionperiod; pre-ejection period; preejectionperiod - 噴血前期
pre eclampsia; preeclampsia - 子癇前期
pre ejectionperiod; pre-ejection period; preejectionperiod - 射血前期
pre bed care - 床前護理
pre column; precolumn - 柱前
pre embryonic; preembryonic - 胚前期的
pre eruption; preeruption - 萌出前期
pre incubation; preincubation - 預保溫
pre equilibration; preequilibration - 預平衡
pre column; precolumn - 預柱
pre concentration; preconcentration; n. preconcentration - 預濃縮
pre heat; preheat; preheating; preliminary heating - 預熱
pre combustion; precombustion - 預燃
pre condition; precondition; preconditioning - 預穩定
pre set; preset - 預置
pre condition; precondition; preconditioning - 預老化
pre set; preset - 預調