





r. first of all ,first off ,for the first time ,foremostn. commencement ,first base ,number 1 ,number onea. 1st ,beginning ,foremost ,inaugural


n. end ,ending ,middlea. intermediate ,last ,second


first[fə:st]adv. 第一;首先;優先;寧願n. 第一;開始;冠軍adj. 第一的;基本的;最早的num. 第一


first 首先;第一;慧思傑;第一的;at first 最初,起先;起先,開始的時候;起初;起先;first round 第一輪;首輪比賽;首輪比賽。;第一輪比賽;first server 第一發球員;(雙打)第一次發球員;一發球員;發球員;First mortgage 第一抵押權;第一按揭;第一抵押;第一抵押權 財經;


1.Would you like to wash up first? 你想先洗個澡嗎?(很舒服的哦!

2.Spring is the first of four seasons. 春天是四季中的第一個季節。

3.Adversity is the first path to truth. 逆境是通往真理的第一條路。


No. This is my first visit. - 沒有。這是第一次。

I am sure. So, we'll be expecting the first shipment in less than a month. - 那當然。我們都希望第一批貨在一個月之內可以裝船。

But first things first. - 但事有先後。

The first is why you choose our company. - 第一個問題是你為什麼要選擇我們的公司。

That took place right after the First World War, didn't it? - 它就發生在第一次世界大戰之後,是嗎?

You may use a first name if you are asked to (call me …). - 如果你得到允許的話,你便可以直呼某人的名字。

I fell in love with him at first sight. - 我對他一見鍾情。

Do you want a first class, business class or economy seat? - 你想要頭等艙、商務艙還是經濟艙?

I got the first round. - 第一輪我請的客。

It's our first date. - 這是我們的第一次約會。

It was his first date in two years. - 這是他兩年來第一次約會。

Stretch up...and we're going to go left first ... - 伸展……先向左……

Is this your very first advanced aerobics class? - 這是你第一次上有氧運動高級班嗎?

Very few people last in this class for the full hour the very first time. - 很少人能夠第一次撐完一個小時的課。

Remember our first fishing trip? - 還記得我們第一次去釣魚嗎?

Remember catching your first fish? - 還記得你第一次釣到魚的情形嗎?

about the first Thanksgiving. - 第一次感恩節歷史劇。

the first settlers in America. - 他們是第一批來美國定居的移民。

They shared the first harvest with the Indians - 他們與印第安人分享首次收成

The first word sounds like no. - 第一個字音像 no 。

The first word is snow. - 第一個字是 雪 。

The first word is snow. - 第一個字是"snow。

But first you have to smile. - 但首先你得笑一笑。

We'll head down there first thing tomorrow morning. - 明早第一件事就是去那。

Going away to college for the first time - 第一次離家上大學,

and Philip was opening his first medical office. - 而Philip則第一次開診所。

but she sold us our first house and this one. - 我們的第一棟房子和這一棟都是她賣的。

I remember your parents' first house very well. - 我還清楚記得你父母的第一棟房子。

When I first graduated from college. - 那時我剛從大學畢業。

all about your first full day back on the job. - 關於你重回工作第一天的全部情況了。

My first grandchild. - 我的第一個孫子。

And my first nephew. - 我的第一個侄子。

Your first great-grandchild. - 你的第一個曾孫。

The leader takes the first ten cards - 指揮拿出上面的十張牌,

The first one to get one hundred points wins. - 首先達到一百分的人贏。

from the first time you stayed with us. - 自從你們第一次在我們這裡住開始

I really don't like eating chocolate first thing in the morning. - 我真的不太喜歡在早上把巧克力當作早點來吃。

If you wish to enter you'll first need gh show return dicket. - 如果你想進入的話,首先出示你的雙程票。

But first in the school-rooms. - 但首先是在教室 。

Wow! It sure will. But first tell me about the job, Harry. - 喔, 當然會。但首先告訴我是什麼樣的工作, Harry。

I have a customer for your first wedding dress. - 我已經有了 的第一套結婚禮服的顧客。

That'll be our first one, - 這將成為我們的第一件,

OK. Now, I have ... first ... a couple of questions here. - 好, 現在,我有……第一……幾個問題。

I was when I first came to the United States. - 當我剛到美國來的時候是感到有點緊張。

It hurts so much when a baby gets his first teeth. - 小孩子長第一顆牙齒時好痛喲。

It's the first thing people will see when they come in. - 這是人們走進來所看到的第一 件東西。

Go for the first prize! i know you are good enough. - 爭取拿頭獎,我知道你行。

Don't forget to use primer first when you paint the house. - 刷房子之前別忘了刮底漆。

David Ogvy is the first genius of modern advertising. - 大衛.奧格維是現代廣告的第一天才。

Please call me Mary. That's my first name. - 請叫我瑪麗吧,那是我的名字。


first degree a-v block - 一度房室傳導阻滯

first intention; healing by first intention - 一期癒合

first yin - 一枝黃花

first order fluorescence - 一次螢光

first order kinetics - 一級動力學

first order reaction; first-order reaction; primary response - 一級反應

n. first wall - 一級牆

first order elimination model - 一級消除模型

first stage ionization - 一級電離

first ionization constant - 一級電離常數

first order rate process - 一級速度過程

first yang or shaoyang channel - 一陽

first yin or jueyin channel - 一陰

maxillary first molar; upper first molar - 上頜第一磨牙

lower first molar; mandibular first molar - 下頜第一磨牙

first teeth; milk teeth; temporary teeth - 乳齒

mitral first sound - 二尖瓣區第一心音

first aid of wounded - 傷員救護

first thoracic vertebra; second thoracic vertebra - 余類推

first molar; six-year molar - 六歲磨牙

n. inspection for first products - 初產品檢查

first dog-days - 初伏

first trial - 初關

first set graft reaction - 初次反應

first set rejection - 初次排斥反應

first drop - 初滴

first oocyte; oocyte i; primary oocytes - 初級卵母細胞

first spermatocyte; spermatocyte i; spermiocyte - 初級精母細胞

first visit - 初診

first visit examination - 初診檢查

n. first plating - 初鍍

first seizure of a disease; fulminating disease; sudden attack of a serious illness - 卒病

first harmonic; fundamental harmonic - 基波

first trimester of pregnancy - 妊娠早期

first trimestedr of pregnancy - 妊娠首三個月

factory first aid kit - 工廠急救包

mean time to first failure - 平均最初衰竭時間

emergency treatment; emergencytreatment; first aid; firstaid - 急救

first aid kit - 急救包

emergency treatment; emergencytreatment; first aid traatment - 急救措施

the first aid treatment - 急救治療

first aid kit; first-aid case - 急救箱

first aid; firstaid - 急求

n. inspection for first products - 最初產品的檢驗

separation first and then reunion - 欲合先離

frontline first and - 火線搶救

first law - 熱力學第一定律

first cardinal points - 第一主點

first deciduous molar - 第一乳磨牙

first stage of labor - 第一產程


一級經閉 - amenorrhea first grade

破裂再結合假說,切斷第一假說 - breakage first hypothesis

n.補體激活第一通路 - complemented first pathway

n.先別陰陽 - distinguishing yin and yang at first

雙重新屬侄 - double first cousin

藥物首選 - drug of first alternative

n.工廠急救包 - factory first aid kit

初診斷 - fee for first medical examination

n.第一秒用力呼氣量 - forced expiratory volume in first second

n.火線搶救 - frontline first and

n.第一期癒合,一期癒合 - healing by first intention

n.下頜第一磨牙 - lower first molar

n.下頜第一磨牙 - mandibular first molar

n.上頜第一磨牙 - maxillary first molar

n.平均最初衰竭時間 - mean time to first failure

n.第一次成熟分裂中期 - metaphase of first meiosis

n.二尖瓣區第一心音 - mitral first sound

n.第一類永動機 - perpetual motion machine of first kind

n.預防為主 - prevention first

n.第一類受體 - receptor of first order

n.欲合先離 - separation first and then reunion

n.第一心音分裂 - splitting of first heart sound

n.急救治療 - the first aid treatment

n.先煎 - to be decocted first

n.第一趾骨粗隆 - tuberosity of first metatarsal bone

n.骨折一期癒合 - union by first intention

n.上頜第一磨牙 - upper first molar


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