talked[tɔ:k]vt. 說;談話;討論vi. 談話;說閒話n. 談話;演講;空談
talked 談話的;talked about 被談到;talked out 厭倦再談論某事;talked on cell phones 打手機電話;Talked over-discussed 討論-討論;
1.We talked through an interpreter for a few minutes. 我們通過一位翻譯談了幾分鐘。
2.We talked about it the other day. 幾天前,我們又談起這個話題。
3.Yes. The girl finally talked with me. 對,那個女孩終於和我講話了。
We talked about that earlier. - 我們先前談過這個問題。
Well, we talked about a lot of things. - 嗯 ,我們談了很多。
And I talked with Mr. Marchetta. Did York make the offer? - 我也和Marchrtta先生談了。York是否跟你談那個工作機會?
I talked to Mr. Marchetta. - 我跟Marchetta先生談了。
I talked with him, and he understands completely. - 我與他談了 ,他完全瞭解。
Have you talked to the community council? - 你們跟社區的議會談過了嗎?
Its' time we talked about the new client base, when do you have time? - 我看是時候談談這個新客戶的情況了,你什麼時候有空?
We have talked of you ofter. - 我們經常談到你。
We talked about a lot of things. - 我們談論了很多事情。
'Young man,' she answered, 'if you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner! - 「年輕人,」她回答說,「如果你多吃點,少說點,我們兩個都會吃得好的!」
I left the bag in the hall and Robert and I went into the living room where we talked for a couple of hours. - 我把紙袋放在門廳裡,與羅伯特一起進了起居室,在那裡聊了好幾個鐘頭。
I've never met him but I've talked to him on the net. - 我沒見過他,但我和他在網上聊過天。
They talked and laughed happily. Then they saw some banana trees. - 他們說說笑笑,很開心。後來他們看見一些香蕉樹。
Don't cry, I said. I talked to her. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder. - 「別哭呀!」我跟她說話,可是她看著我,哭得越來越厲害了。
We talked and wondered about the people who had lived here before. - 我們談論並且很好奇以前住在這裡的人們。