





v. establish ,found ,free-base ,placen. alkali ,bag ,base of operations ,foota. basal ,dishonorable ,humble ,mean


base[beis]n. 基礎;底部;壘adj. 卑鄙的;低劣的vt. 以…作基礎


base 基極;基礎;基數;低下的;Capital base 資本金;資本基楚;資金基礎;資本基礎;third base 三壘;二壘;一壘;一壘手;second base 二壘;一壘;一壘手;三壘手;Enrofloxacin Base 恩諾沙星;蒽諾沙星鹼;蒽諾氟沙星;蒽諾沙星;


1.The U.S. squadron was based on the carrier. 美國空軍中隊以這艘航空母艦為基地。

2.This time our target is the ravine base. 這次我們的目標是這個峽谷基地。

3.The cabinet has crotched mahogany veneers on the base. 櫃子的底座上有成分叉的紅木飾面。


I have never confirmed that the Roswell base exists, but I can't deny it either. - 我從沒有說過拉茲威基地存在,但我也不會否認。

At the base of the gold cap, the words 'made in the U.S.A' had been nearly inscribed. - 筆帽下方整齊地刻有「美國製造」字樣。

Comedians base their jokes on tragic situation like violent death or serious accidents. - 喜劇演員根據悲劇情節諸如暴死,重大事故等來編造笑話。

I bound the base of the tree with sticky tape, making it impossible for the ants to reach the aphids. - 我用一條膠帶把桃樹底部包上,不讓螞蟻接近蚜蟲。

For a long time.I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree in bewilderment. - 在很長一段時間裡,我看見螞蟻圍著大樹底部來回轉悠,不知所措。

It also provides--and some student sociologist might care to base his thesis upon the phenomenon--an escape of another kind. - 學社會學的大學生來露營是另一種形式的擺脫現實,他們的目的很可能是根據觀察到的露營現象去寫論文。


base of mandible; basis mandibulae - 下頜底

complementary base sequence - 互補鹼基順序

base of prostate; basis prostatae - 前列腺底

base hospital; rear hospital - 後方醫院

base of posterior horn of spinal cord; basis cornus posterioris medullae spinalis - 後角底

n. base bullion - 含有貴金屬的粗鉛錠

n. zinc base bearing metal - 含鋅基合金

base plate; baseplate - 噬菌體基片

base hospital - 基地醫院

base peak - 基峰

base type - 基底型

base tray; basetray - 基底托盤

n. base carbon - 基底碳

base relining; rebasing - 基托墊底

base plate cracking - 基托折裂

base plate wax - 基托蠟

base adsorption - 基本吸附

n. base hardenability - 基本淬硬性

basal plate; basalia; base plate; end plate; endplate; n. matrix gage - 基板

base current; standing current - 基流

base plate; baseplate; matrix - 基片

base current - 基電流

n. base carbon - 基碳

n. base box - 基箱

base line; basic line - 基線

unstability of base line - 基線不穩

base indicator color - 基線指示劑色

base of ventricular septum - 室間隔底部

chuan-wu base b - 川烏鹼乙

chuan-wu base a - 川烏鹼甲

dental base acrylic; drnture acrylic; resin powder - 干托粉

base line of normal respiration - 平靜呼吸基線

n. base permeability - 底層滲透性

n. base rock - 底巖

n. base hardenability - 底座淬火性

base number; basenumber - 底數

base line - 底線

base of heart; basis cordis - 心底

dull area over the base of heart - 心底部濁音區

increased dull area over the base of heart - 心底部濁音界擴大

base of phalanx; basis phalangis - 指骨底

standard base excess - 標準鹼過剩

n. grease base buffing bar - 潤滑脂基拋光棒

base of valve - 瓣膜基底部

porcelain base denture - 瓷托托牙

n. clay base mud - 白土基泥

mineral base medium - 礦物鹼培養基

base number; basenumber - 鹼值

base catalysis - 鹼催化

base catalysis - 鹼催化作用


n.舌根癰 - absess at the base of the tongue

丙烯酸樹脂基托 - acrylic resin base

n.乙酰基 - acetyl base

酸鹼平衡 - acid base balance

n.陰離子鹼 - anion base

n.貝爾氏基質 - beelers base

n.布朗斯台德鹼 - bronsted base

n.布朗斯特-勞瑞酸鹼概念 - bronsted-lowry concept of acid and base

n.緩衝鹼 - buffer base

n.鑄造基托 - cast metal base

n.鑄座 - casting base

n.窩洞墊基 - cavity base

n.蝸底 - cochlear base

n.川烏鹼甲 - chuan-wu base a

n.川烏鹼乙 - chuan-wu base b

n.互補鹼基 - complementary base

n.互補鹼基順序 - complementary base sequence

n.共軛鹼 - conjugate base

n.數據庫 - data base

托牙基托,義齒基托 - denture base

n.干托粉 - dental base acrylic

n.標準鹼測定 - determination of standard base

n.二價鹼 - diacid base

n.心底部濁音區 - dull area over the base of heart

染料鹼 - dye base

n.可乳化基質 - emulsifiable base

乳劑基質,乳濁液基質 - emulsion base

n.乳劑軟膏基質 - emulsion ointment base

紅黴素氯 - erythromycin base

n.顱底外面 - external surface of cranial base

n.藍光偶氮胺藍 - fast blue b base

膠片固定劑 - film base

n.固定鹼 - fixed base

n.顱底骨折 - fracture of cranial base

n.第五蹠骨基底骨折 - fracture of fifth metatarsal base

n.游離鹼 - free base

n.額底 - frontal base

n.硬鹼 - hard base

n.異已酮鹼 - hexone base

n.組蛋白鹼 - histone base

親水基 - hydrophilic base

n.心底部濁音界擴大 - increased dull area over the base of heart

n.無機鹼 - inorganic base

n.顱底內面 - internal surface of cranial base

n.鹼電離常數 - ionization constant of base

n.葉基 - leaf base

n.無色母體 - leuco base

n.劉易斯鹼 - lewis base

降脂基 - lipophilic base

鹼性洗液 - lotion base


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