majlis[mædʒ'lis]n. (伊朗)議會
Majlis 議會;伊斯蘭議會;集會,聚會,會議;majlis tempatan 地方議會;Majlis Syura 宗教司協商理事會;咨詢理事會;Majlis Fatwa 理事會;Majlis Perbandaran 市議會;
1.The Sixth Majlis (Parliament) of Iran was elected on Feb. 18, 2000. 2000年2月18日舉行第六屆議會選舉,本屆議會增至290席。
2.More than 30 majlis members have signed a petition that would summon the president to appear in parliament to explain his alleged policy failings. 議會中有超過30人的成員簽署了一份請願書,要求總統先生到議會解釋為什麼他的政策會出現失敗。
3.The Majlis and The Faldo, as well as a 9 hole Par 3 course, golf academy, a variety of restaurants and bars, gymnasium and tropical swimming pool. 的議會和佛度,以及一個9洞三桿洞球場,高爾夫學院,各種各樣的餐廳和酒吧,健身房和熱帶游泳池。