





n. air ,breed ,mental strain ,stressv. extend ,reach ,sieve ,stress


v. loosen up ,make relaxed ,relax ,unlax


strain[strein]n. 張力;拉緊;負擔;扭傷;血緣vi. 拉緊;盡力vt. 拉緊;濫用;濾去;竭力


strain 應變;拉緊;壓力;過度勞累;tensile strain 拉張應變;張應變,拉伸應變;拉伸應變;受拉應變;strain energy 應變能;應變能量;應變能 (斷裂力學 );釋義:應變能;plane strain 倒角應力;平面應變;平面應力;平面變形;breaking strain 斷裂應變;致斷應變;裂斷應變;破裂應變;


1.He created a new strain of sheep. 他培育出一個新的綿羊品種。

2.Strain and pour into cleaned tincture bottles. 壓緊並倒入乾淨的酊劑瓶。

3.Even emotional stress can lead to strain and pain. 甚至心理壓力也能導致壓迫和疼痛。


A person must strain one's ears to hear a wild animal in the forest. - 在森林裡,人類必須對野獸豎起耳朵才行。

Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort. - 這種願望只能加劇精神緊張。


n. cyclic stress strain curve - 交變應力—應變曲線

n. cyclic stress strain curve - 交變應力變曲線

n. slow strain rate - 低應變率

n. slow strain rate test - 低應變率試驗

n. slow strain rate test - 低應變速度

n. total strain range - 全應變範圍

strain of joint - 關節勞損

n. dynamic strain measuring device - 動態應變測定器

n. dynamic strain measuring device - 動態應變測量裝置

strain evaluation - 勞損評價

sudden onset of lumbago; udden onset oflumbago due to strain or cold - 卒腰痛

n. uniaxial strain gage - 單軸向應變儀

n. uniaxial strain hardening - 單軸應變硬化

n. uniaxial strain gage - 單軸應變規

n. weldable strain gage - 可焊應變儀

n. weldable strain gage - 可焊接應變儀

n. plastic strain ratio - 塑性應變化

n. plastic strain ratio - 塑性應變率

n. acoustical strain gage - 聲學應應儀

n. acoustical strain gage - 聲應變儀

n. multi-axial strain gage - 多軸向應變儀

n. multi-axial strain gage - 多軸應變計

strain tube - 奕變管

n. constant strain rate test - 定應變速度試驗

n. plane strain fracture toughness - 平面應變斷裂韌性

n. plane strain fracture - 平面斷裂

n. strain gage for general purpose - 常用應變儀

n. mean strain rate - 平均應變率

n. mean strain rate - 平均應變速度

n. elastic strain energy - 彈性壓變能

n. strain burst - 應力爆破

n. strain bursts sound - 應力爆破聲

strain gauge; straingauge - 應變儀

n. temperature limit of strain gage - 應變儀的溫度極限

n. foil strain gage - 應變儀箱片

n. strain distribution - 應變分佈

n. strain tempering - 應變回火

n. strain tempering - 應變回火法

n. strain figure - 應變圖

n. strain increment - 應變增量

n. strain increment theory - 應變增量理論

n. strain induced transformation - 應變感生相變

n. strain induced transformation - 應變感生轉變

n. strain relaxation - 應變鬆弛

n. strain limit - 應變極限

n. strain measuring device - 應變測定裝置

n. strain rate - 應變率

n. strain rate exponent - 應變率指數

n. modulus of strain hardening - 應變硬化模量

n. rate of strain hardening - 應變硬化率


n.抗氯奎蟲株 - anti-chloroquine strain

n.無毒株 - avirulent strain

菌株 - bacterial strain

n.細胞株 - cell strain

n.潛陽安神 - checking exuberant yang to ease mental strain

n.壓縮應變 - compressive strain

同基因異系株,異系同基因株 - congenic strain

依存株 - dependent strain

n.二倍體細胞株 - diploid cell strain

二倍體成纖維細胞株,復相纖維芽細胞株 - diploid fibroblast strain

n.耐藥菌株 - drug-resistant strain

n.患隔 - dyspepsia due to mental strain

n.腸致病株 - entero pathogenic strain

n.腸致病株 - entero-pathogenic strain

n.流行株 - epidemic strain

眼疲勞 - eye strain

n.目力昏倦 - eye strain with blurring of vision

n.五勞 - five kinds of strain

n.同類株 - homologous strain

n.雜交株 - hybrid strain

假說平均品質 - hypothetical mean strain

n.近交系 - inbred strain

n.指示菌株 - indicator strain

誘導株,誘發株 - inducible strain

n.劣種 - inferior strain

n.同基因株 - isogeneic strain

同基因型株,同基因株 - isogenic strain

n.異煙肼耐藥菌株 - isoniazidresistant strain

n.放毒株,殺傷株 - killer strain

n.左心勞損 - left heart strain

n.左心室勞損 - left ventricular strain

n.腰肌勞損 - lumbar muscle strain

n.腰骶部勞損 - lumbosacral strain

n.溶原性菌株 - lysogenic strain

n.肌腱勞損 - muscukar strain

n.肌肉勞損 - muscular strain

n.自然無毒株 - natural nonvirulent strain

新型株 - neotype strain

n.氣痰 - phlegm-syndrome aggravated by mental strain

生理小種 - physiological strain

接受株,接受析 - recipient strain

參考株 - reference strain

n.代表株 - representative strain

n.粗糙菌株 - rough strain

敏感株,敏感性 - sensitive strain

n.房勞 - sexual strain

切應變,剪應變 - shear strain

n.剪式應變 - shearing strain

n.空間張力 - steric strain

n.依鏈株,依賴鏈黴素株 - streptomycin-dependent strain

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