





n. giving birth ,nascence ,nascency ,parentagev. bear ,deliver ,give birth ,have


n. death ,decease ,demise ,expiry


birth[bɑ:θ]n. 出生;血統,出身;起源


Birth 誕生;生產;出生;生產,分娩;birth place 出生地點;出生所在;出身地點;釋義:出生地;Birth control 生育控制;計劃生育;節育;節制生育;Multiple Birth 多胞胎:;多胞生產;多胎分娩;多胎;birth stones 誕生石;生日石;


1.She gave birth to me, and gave me her everything. 她給予了我生命,給與了我屬於她的一切。

2.The anxious husband awaited the birth of his son. 殷切盼望的丈夫等待著他的兒子誕生。

3.What is the most effective method of birth control? 控制出生率的最有效的方法是什麼?


Mary gave birth to a baby last week. - 瑪麗上星期做媽媽了。

We should weep for men at their birth and not a t their death. - 我們應在人降生時流淚,而不該在人死亡時哭泣。

You may have heard of Birth Control. - 你們也許聽說過控制人口出生的措施。

Tom and Mary congratulated us on the birth of our daughter. - 湯姆和瑪麗為我們女兒的出生向我們表示祝賀。

The day after the birth of the five children, an aeroplane arrived in Aberdeen bringing sixty reporters and photographers. - 五胞胎降生第二天,一架飛機飛抵阿拜丁,隨機帶來60名記者與攝影師。


birth injury; birth trauma - 產傷

birth palsy; obstetric paralysis - 產傷癱瘓

birth fracture - 產傷骨折

birth palsy; obstetric paralysis - 產傷麻痺

birth prccess; stages of labor - 產程

birth canal; obstetric; obstetric acnal; parturient canal - 產道

abnormality of parturient canal; abnormality of birth canal - 產道異常

injury of birth canal - 產道損傷

laceration of birth canal - 產道撕裂

low birth weight newborn; small birth weight - 低體重兒

light weight at birth; low birth weight ratio - 低出生體重

oligonatality; scanty birth rate - 低出生率

birth weight - 出生體重

birth rate; natality - 出生率

birth registration area - 出生登記區

birth statistics - 出生統計

birth certificate - 出生證

birth calender - 妊娠速算歷

birth injury of newborn - 新生兒產傷

premature birth living child - 早產活嬰

very low birth wight - 極低出生體重

the birth of the ministerial fire - 相火動

crude birth rate - 粗出生率

birth injury of adrenal - 腎上腺產傷

birth asphyxia - 胎兒產時窒息

birth injuries of brachial plexus - 臂叢產傷

birth control; conraception; fertility control - 節制生育

method of birth control - 節育方法

birth control rate - 節育率

birth control clinics - 節育門診部

birth control; family planning; planned parenthood - 計劃生育

term birth living child - 足月活產

birth wort vine - 馬兜鈴籐


n.產道異常 - abnormality of birth canal

active birth - active birth

n.後天 - after birth

產褥體操 - after birth excercise

平均出生兒體重 - average birth weight

骨性產道 - bony birth canal

位分娩 - breech birth

n.橫產 - cross birth

n.粗出生率 - crude birth rate

n.死產 - dead birth

預產期 - expected date of birth

院外出生 - exterior hospital birth

足月產 - full term birth

家中分娩 - home birth

n.產道損傷 - injury of birth canal

產道膝部 - knee of birth canal

n.產道撕裂 - laceration of birth canal

n.後天失調,後天失養 - lack of proper care after birth

n.低出生體重 - light weight at birth

n.活產 - live birth

生育率,新生兒出生率 - live birth rate

出生時低體重兒,低出生體重 - low birth weight

出生時低體重兒,低出生體重兒 - low birth weight infant

n.低體重兒 - low birth weight newborn

n.低出生體重 - low birth weight ratio

n.節育方法 - method of birth control

n.多胎分娩 - multiple birth

自然分娩 - natural birth

n.不全產 - partial birth

過期產 - postmature birth

早產 - premature birth

n.早產活嬰 - premature birth living child

n.早產 - premature delivery premature birth

n.三胎早產 - premature triplet birth

n.雙胎早產 - premature twin birth

n.出生登記 - registration of birth

過期生產 - retarded birth

軟產道強直 - rigidity of soft birth canal

n.低出生率 - scanty birth rate

n.低體重兒 - small birth weight

軟產道 - soft birth canal

n.死產 - still birth

n.出生存活率 - survival rate of birth

n.足月活產 - term birth living child

n.四六風 - tetanus on the 4th to 6th day after birth

n.相火動 - the birth of the ministerial fire

出生期 - time of birth

n.三胎產 - triplet birth

n.雙胎產 - twin birth

n.極低出生體重 - very low birth wight


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