cladogram['klædəɡræm]n. 進化分枝圖
cladogram 進化樹;進化分枝圖;分支圖;進化分枝圖,進化樹;
1.In the present paper the essentials of the concept and method of quantitative parsimony analysis for cladogram construction are revealed. 數值簡約性原則是分支分類學進行分支分析及重構生物演化分支圖的主要思想方法。
2.We constructed a matrix based on distribution data for Chinese Tetrigidae insects and an area cladogram using northeastern China area as an outgroup. 根據蚱科昆蟲的分佈, 構建特有性簡約性分析所需的矩陣, 以東北區作為外群, 用最大簡約法通過窮盡式搜索得到分佈區分支圖。
3.The branching points of the cladogram may be regarded either as an ancestral species (as in an evolutionary tree) or solely as representing shared characteristics. 在這個形象化的進化樹上,每兩個物種間的距離都是由它們共有的特性來決定的。