TLVabbr. 閾限值Threshold Limit Value
TLV 閾限值;特拉維夫;threshold limit value;最低限值;TLV - 轉矩限制閥;(有害物)最高允許濃度,閾限值;類型-長度-值;類型長度值;ACGIH TLV 閾限值;TLV Tag Length Value 標籤長度值;TLV TEL AVIV 以色列;
1.Ventilation: positive downdraft exhaust ventilation should be provided to maintain vapor concentration below TLV. 通風:為了使氣體聚集程度維持在閥極限值之下,應提供通暢的向下棋流排氣通風設施。
2.Recently, the unsteady feature of tip leakage vortices (TLV), which appears in some flow conditions, was shown out and its influences to the compressor performance were recognized. 而近年來,人們發現在某些流動條件下,葉頂洩漏渦會產生明顯的非定常波動,並影響壓氣機的總性能。
3.First, the injections are opened after the unsteady TLV happens, demonstrating that micro injection could shift the position of TLV towards downstream and suppress the unsteady TLV. 首先在洩漏渦非定常性發生之前和之後進行噴氣,對結果的分析表明:微噴氣可以將洩漏渦的起始位置向下游推移,相當於抑制了洩漏渦非定常性的發生,從而推遲失速的發生。