





n. beholding ,eyesight ,sightedness ,visual perception


seeing['si:iŋ]n. 看見;視覺;觀看;視力conj. 因為;由於;鑒於adj. 看見的;有視覺的v. 看見(see的ing形式)


seeing 視覺;能見度;視力;鑒於;seeing through 看穿;看穿頂一下;atmospheric seeing 大氣觀測;大氣寧視度;大氣寧靜度;視相;seeing eye 導盲犬訓練所;ASPECTUAL SEEING 非視之見;


1.Seeing that nobody was at home, I had to leave. 由於沒人在家,我也只好走了。

2.Reading and seeing movies are among my amusements. 閱讀和看電影也是我的娛樂「活動」。

3.Seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends. 看到朋友的笑臉,聽到朋友的笑聲。


We have both been excited about seeing you - 我們兩個很高興見到

He's seeing other women on the side - 他偷偷的和別的女人有染。

We're not seeing each other anymore. - 我們倆不再見對方了。

I guess we'll be seeing Alexandra again. - 我想我們不久又將見到Alexandra。

I'm really excited about seeing Grandpa. - 一想到要見到爺爺, 我就覺得興奮。

I look forward to seeing you and Harry and Michelle. - 我等著見 Harry和Michelle。

I miss seeing you. - 我很想見到你 。

Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. - 謝謝您這樣快就安排見我。

It's nice seeing you. - 非常高興見到你。

and seeing the wonder of humanity. - 看眾生奇景。

We've been looking forward to seeing you again. - 我們非常盼望再見到你。

I cannot forgive myself for not seeing my mother when she was sick in bed. - 母親病的時候我沒能去看她,為這件事我永遠不能原諒我自己。

I am looking forward to seeing you. - 我正盼望能見到你

I am looking forward to seeing you again. - 我期待著能再次見到你。

I'm looking forward to seeing you. - 我期待著和您見面。

They are used to seeing him every day. - 他們習慣了每天見到他。

We are looking forward to seeing you again. - 我們非常盼望再見到你。

I'm looking forward to seeing you again. - 我盼望著再能見到你。

Now, seeing them all here together for the first time. - 現在他們都到了這裡。

I'll be seeing you. - 再見 註:是美國人喜歡使用的告別語。

In the crowd, Sam looked aside to avoid seeing her. - 在人潮中,薩姆把頭轉向旁邊,免得和她目光相對。

I will be seeing him in a few days from now. - 我將在幾天後見到他。

I will be seeing him in August. - 我將在八月份見到他。

Thank you for seeing me off. - 謝謝你送行。

A quiet day's fishing, or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again, is usually as far as they get. - 他們通常能夠做到的,至多也就是安靜地釣上一天魚,或在電影院裡坐上8個小時,一遍遍地看同一部電影。

I'm looking forward to seeing you. - 我期望見到你。

How are you getting to the airport? Is anybody seeing you off? - 你打算怎樣去機場?有人送你嗎?

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