electonen. 電子琴
electone 電子琴;an electone 電子琴;Electone Festival 電子琴聯歡會;electone electronic organ electronic organ and electronic keyboard orgatron 電子琴;
1.Before knowing Yamaha Electone, we didn't know what was electronic organ. 在認識山葉電子琴之前,我們不知道什麼是電子風琴。
2.The citizens of each electoral district electone member of the House of Commons who sits in the House of Commons. 每個選區的公民將選舉產生一名代表,作為一個下議院議員,佔有一個下議院議席。
3.Because no one plays electone at my home. My father put the metal shelf on top of the electone…my sister always asked me when I would take back home? 因為電子琴無人彈…老張在我個琴上面加個架…老二不停問我幾時取返個琴…