subtypesn. 子類型;圖表類型(subtype的複數)
Subtypes 子類型;子型;Schizophrenia subtypes 精神分裂病之亞型;Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes 腺癌伴混合型亞型;types and subtypes 免疫球蛋白的型和亞型;Creating Types and Subtypes 創建數據類型和子類型;
1.Subtypes: Satyrs have the chaotic, demon, evil, and native subtypes. A satyr possesses these subtypes even if he is not evil and/or chaotic. 子類別:薩特擁有混亂邪惡,惡魔,本位面的子類別。一個薩特持有這些子類別即使他不是邪惡或混亂。
2.Adults and children with autism lack normal brain development in areas linked to social interaction and communication, but scientists don't know how many subtypes may exist. 患有自閉症的**和兒童大腦中主管社會性交流的區域沒有得到正常發育,但是科學家並不清楚有多少該症的亞型存在。
3.The obtained results redound to discover, validate and treat the subtypes from microarray gene expression profiles of cancer, which have been plentifully researched, such as leukemia. 結果有助於從白血病或其他有著充分研究背景的癌症芯片表達數據中,發現、確認和治療其亞型。