n. toxaemia ,toxaemia of pregnancy ,toxemia of pregnancy
toxemia[tɔk'si:miə]n. [醫]毒血症
toxemia 毒血症;血毒症;毒血症,毒素血症;妊娠毒血症;alimentary toxemia 釋義:食物性毒血症;Toxemia Explained 毒血症告訴你;menstrual toxemia 經期毒血症;toxaemia toxemia 血毒症;
1.These patients have an increased risk of developing preeclampsia or eclampsia (toxemia) of pregnancy. 但其罹患先兆子癇和妊娠毒血症的風險會增加。
2.If it goes unchecked, toxemia can lead to the dangerous convulsions of eclampsia , or to premature separation of the placenta. 如果未得到及時的治療,妊娠中毒症可能導致孕婦有危險的抽搐性 驚厥 或胎盤早期剝離。
3.Hypertension that develops before the 20th week of pregnancy almost always is due to pre-existing hypertension and not toxemia. 孕婦的高血壓病史(而不是妊娠毒血症)會導致高血壓在懷孕前20周內不斷發展。
moderate toxemia of pregnacy - 中度妊娠毒症
hypertensive state of pregnancy; toxemia of pregnancy - 妊娠中毒症
cardiac disease in toxemia of pregnancy - 妊娠中毒症心臟病
toxemia of preg nancy - 妊娠毒血症
mild toxemia of pregnancy - 輕度妊娠毒血症
severe toxemia of pregnancy - 重度妊娠中毒症
n.腸性自體中毒 - allimentary toxemia
n.妊娠中毒症心臟病 - cardiac disease in toxemia of pregnancy
n.結合毒血症 - combined toxemia
n.腸性毒血症 - intestinal toxemia
n.輕度妊娠毒血症 - mild toxemia of pregnancy
n.中度妊娠毒症 - moderate toxemia of pregnacy
妊娠毒血症 - pregnancy toxemia
單純妊振中毒症 - pure toxemia of pregnancy
n.綠膿桿菌敗血症,綠膿桿菌毒血症 - pyocyanic toxemia
妊娠晚期毒血症的視網膜病 - retinopathy of late toxemia of pregnancy
嚴重的妊娠毒血症 - serious toxemia of pregnancy
n.重度妊娠中毒症 - severe toxemia of pregnancy
n.結核毒血症 - tuberculous toxemia
n.傷寒毒血症 - typhoid toxemia