subsamplesn. 附屬樣本;次級樣本(subsample的複數)
subsamples 次級樣本;附屬樣本;採取;interpenetrating subsamples 貫穿子樣本;equal subsamples 等容量子樣本;
1.Used for the printing &dyeing industry to pad subsamples, and applies to cotton, T/C and other fabrics. 用於印染廠長車、卷染生產行業而設計的小樣軋染試色使用,並適用於棉、T/C及其它織物;
2.The survey of 1, 012 adults has an error margin of +/- 3 points for the full sample, and 5 points for the Republican and Democratic subsamples. 調查的1012名成年人中,誤差+/-3點,為充分樣本,5點為共和黨和民主黨的二次抽查樣品。
3.Pouring subsamples is less precise than pipetting either after shaking or stirring. It is also more difficult to obtain accurate volumes when pouring. 搖勻或拌勻試管分次樣品較人工分次樣品準確,由於人工分次樣品較難以得到準確容量。