subsample['sʌb,sa:mpl, -,sæ-]n. (從樣品中再抽取的)子樣品;二次抽樣樣品vt. 對…作二次抽樣
subsample 子樣本;重採樣;二次抽樣;子樣品;random subsample 隨機子樣本;SBC SuBsample Control 子樣本控制;n Number in a subsample 樣本數;
1.In a subsample of 93 cases who underwent structural neuroimaging, the presence of cerebral infarcts was also significantly associated with depression. 一個曾行神經影像學檢查的93例小樣本顯示,已有的腦梗死也與抑鬱症有顯著關聯。
2.In analyzing wealth accumulation, we limit attention to the subsample that supplied complete data on all financial and demographic variables of interest. 在分析財富的積累,我們限制一個子樣本,提供完整的金融和人口變量統計數據。
3.Working on a comparable timescale, SIM should provide positional information for a subsample of faint stars, thereby probing the most tenuous star streams. 在此同時,SIM應能提供黯淡恆星次級樣本的位置資訊,從而偵測最稀薄的恆星流。