n. offering ,religious offering
oblations[ɔb'leiʃən, əu-]n. 祭品,奉獻物
oblations 供奉;Bring no more vain oblations 你們不要再帶虛浮的供物來;你們不要再獻虛浮的供物。香品是我所憎惡的。月朔,和安息日,並宣召的大會,也是我所憎惡的。作罪孽,又守嚴肅會,我也不能容忍。;你們所燒的香是我所憎惡的。守月朔和安息日,宣召大會,也是我所憎惡的;作罪孽又守嚴肅會,我不能容忍。;And shalt offer thy oblations the flesh and the blood upon the altar of the Lord thy God 至於其他的祭獻,應將血倒在上主你的天主的祭壇上,肉可以吃。;將你的全燔祭、肉和血全獻在上主你的天主的祭壇上;
1.Followers and visitors have been loyal t the temple and oblations are always given to it. 信眾遊客對虹廟一直虔誠有加,香火不絕。
2.The fourth part is the introduction about the time, the directions, and the oblations of the sacrificial ceremony on the moon. 第四部分分析古代皇家祭月之禮的時間、方位、祭品等方面;
3.Give the Israelites this commandment: At the times I have appointed, you shall be careful to present to me the food offerings that are offered to me as sweet-smelling oblations. 你吩咐以色列子民說:你們應在規定的時期內,準時將獻給我的供物──我的食品,焚化為中悅我的馨香火祭獻給我。