suffolk['sʌfək, -fɔ:k]n. 薩福克(英國東部一郡);薩福克羊;薩克福馬
Suffolk 薩福克;薩福克郡;薩克福馬;薩福克羊;John Suffolk 約翰·薩福克;Suffolk Coastal 沙福克海岸;Suffolk sheep 薩福克綿羊;Suffolk University 薩弗克大學;薩福克大學;
1.This new sheep was considered a fixed type by 1810 and in 1859 the breed was called Suffolk. 這種新品種被看作是1810年前的混合型。在1859年,這個品種被命名為薩克福羊。
2.The receptionist looked at me with disdain when I walked into Suffolk College asking to enrol. 當我走進薩克福大學,要求報讀時,接待員用輕蔑的眼神看著我。
3.I'm sure the whole House would want to send its sympathy to the people of Ipswich, the people of the county of Suffolk and most particularly to the families and friends of the victims. 我知道整個國會都想表達他們對伊普斯威奇居民、薩福克郡居民、特別是受害者的家人和朋友的同情。