





domestically developed IDF fighters 自行研製的「經國」號戰機;domestically-developed vaccine 國內研發的疫苗;Developed counties 發達國家;Developed 發達的;生長,發育;洗印,顯影;發揚;developed countries 發達國家;已開發國家;已發展 / 發達國家;


1.Honesty is a must for an allround developed person, and the moral bases and precondition for a civilized and developed society. 誠信是人實現全面發展的必備素質,也是社會文明進步的道德基礎和前提條件。

2.Distributary channel was well developed, prodelta was relatively not well developed and delta front was dominated by subaqueous distributary channel deposits. 研究區三角洲平原分流河道沉積極為發育,前三角洲相對不發育,三角洲前緣也以水下分流河道沉積為主。

3.early to middle Jurassic, some small intermontane basin developed in the earlier period, from the middle to later period the drape-like deposition developed; 早-中侏羅世早期發育小型山間盆地,晚期為披覆式沉積;

4.Three cases developed new stenosis in different level and 3 cases whose stenosis caused by general osteal diseases developed furtherly. 3例首次胸椎減壓手術後,其它節段又發生狹窄;3例因全身性骨疾患致胸椎管狹窄,術後其原發病進一步發展;

5.Distributary channel was well developed, prodelta was relatively not well developed and delta front was dominated by subaqueous distributary channel deposits. 研究區三角洲平原分流河道沉積極為發育,前三角洲相對不發育,三角洲前緣也以水下分流河道沉積為主。


This is our most recently developed product. - 這是我們最近開發的產品。

Your question is how we developed our product? - 你的問題是我們是如何發展我們的產品?

Have they developed a new method of transportation yet? - 他們已經開發了新的運輸方法了嗎?

This time he was barking so that someone would let him out! Since then, he has developed another bad habit. - 這次它叫著讓人把它放出去!從那以後,它養成了另外一種壞習慣。

After years of conditioning, most of us have developed an unshakable faith in railway timetables. - 經過多年的適應,大多數人對火車時刻表產生了一種不可動搖的信念。

Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century, - 本世紀已研製出許多新奇的交通工具,

This is our most recently developed product. - 這是我們最近開發的產品。

What was the population of the more developed countries in 1950? - 1950年較發達國家的人口是多少?

What was the population of the less developed countries in 1950? - 1950年不太發達國家的人口是多少?

No, not exactly. But later, peole developed a way of printing, using rocks. - 不完全是這樣。但後來,人們利用石頭,研製了一種印刷方法。

As early as his second film, Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting. - 早在他的第二部電影,卓別林就形成了他自己的表演風格。


you ahve developed stranguria in terms of TCM - 你患子中醫所說的淋證

your uterus has developed normally - 你的子宮發育正常

n. developed blank - 展開坯料

n. length of developed blank - 展開坯料長度

n. developed blank - 形成的間隔

n. length of developed blank - 無毛刺坯件長度

developed dye - 顯色染料


化學發癌 - chemically developed cancer

n.發育良好,發育良好的;n.發育良好,營養佳良 - well developed

n.你患子中醫所說的淋證 - you ahve developed stranguria in terms of TCM

n.你的子宮發育正常 - your uterus has developed normally

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