





r. easily ,slow ,slowly ,softa. comfortable ,easygoing ,gentle ,lenient


r. apace ,quickly ,rapidly ,speedilya. difficult ,hard ,uneasy


easy['i:zi]adj. 容易的;舒適的adv. 不費力地,從容地vi. 停止划槳vt. 發出停劃命令


Easy 別急!;容易的;輕鬆自在;容易;Easy Virtue 水性楊花 無聲片;水性楊花;輕浮的德行;輕浮的德行》;Easy Handycam 易攝通;操控按鈕;人性華的易攝通按鈕;Easy Rebound 輕易拿到籃板球;EASY LIFE 松逸生活;生活群;易成樂;原味生活;


1.They easied on approaching the dock. 船駛近碼頭時他們停止了划槳。

2.It is easy to understand the cartoons. 看懂這部卡通片是很容易的。

3.But such rents are easy to appropriate. 但是這樣的租金容易被挪用。


It's easy to pick something for my colleagues, but it's difficult for my boss. - 給同事們的應該不難買,但是給老闆的就難羅。

I see, it's not easy to marry and start a family. So when's the wedding? - 我明白,要組織一個家庭並不容易。那麼婚禮訂在哪天舉行?

since this is so easy .... - 既然那麼簡單……

My instructor thought that the beginner's class was too easy for me. - 老師認為初級課程對我來說太容易了。

Too easy for you? - 對 ,太容易了

Easy now. Easy does it. That's it. - 放輕 ,不要緊 ,對了。

It's not easy being away from home. - 離家獨闖不容易。

Well, it's a very easy operation, Carl. - 這是個很簡單的手術 Carl。

Of easy wind and downy flake. - 徐風掠過和細雪紛飛。

My job is not an easy one, - 我的工作是不輕鬆,

and he made the weekend very easy for us to enjoy. - 使得我們的週末過得非常輕鬆愉快。

Typing is easy once you get the hang of it. - 一旦你掌握訣竅,打字就很簡單。

He's living on easy street. - 他過得很富裕。

As you all know, doing business is not an easy thing to do. - 大家都知道,做生意並不是一件容易的事。

I'm easy to please. - 我很容易相處。

Although the cartons are light and easy to handle, we think it is not strong enough to be shipped. - 雖然這些紙箱輕便、易拿,但我們認為它們在運輸中不太結實。

All things are easy that are done willingly. - 做事樂意,諸事容易。

Early start makes easy stages. - 早開始是成功的保證。

It is easy to be wise after the event. - 當事後諸葛亮容易。

It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open. - 開設店舖易,維持常開難。

It is easy to prophesy after the event. - 事後諸葛亮,預言頂便當。

It's easy to fall into a trap, but hard to get out again. - 墮入陷阱易,脫離陷阱難。

That's easy for you to say. - 你說的容易。

Who are ready to believe are easy to deceive. - 輕信的人容易受騙。

The English and Maths papers weren't easy enough for me. - 英語和數學試題對我來說不很容易。

Easy come, easy go. - 來的容易,去的快。

Easy come easy go. - 來得容易,去得快。

It is not so easy as you think. - 這事沒有你想像的那麼簡單。

The thieves' car was badly damaged and easy to recognize. - 小偷的車損壞嚴重,很容易辨認。

This has not been easy because I own over a thousand books. - 但這並不容易,因為我有1,000多本書。

Though in those days, traveling was not as easy as it is today, - 儘管在當時旅行不像現在這麼容易,

It is all too easy to blame the railway authorities when something does go wrong. - 因此,一旦鐵路上真出了問題,人們便不加思索地責備鐵路當局。

his early audiences found it easy to understand and forgive, - 他的早期觀眾很容易接受,覺得應該原諒他,

I think all the changes are easy to see. - 我想所有修改過的地方都很容易看出來吧

It wasn't easy to win the match. No. 64 Middle School is really a strong team. - 贏這場球不容易。第64中學的的確是一支強隊。

Get him his change! It's easy to say, sir; but look at the bill yourself. - 給他找錢!先生,說的倒輕巧,您自己來看看這張票子吧。

I know that one of the towers is on the top of a hill, but the rest of the buildings are easy to get to. - 我知道其中有個塔在山上,但其餘的建築物都並不難上。

It was not yet light, so it was easy to stay hidden. - 天還沒亮,所以很容易隱蔽。

If it is a long report, it is easy to make changes to the text. - 即使是一篇很長的報告,也很容易將原文改動。

We set off down the hill. At first it was easy walking over the grass. Then the grass turned to bushes and the hillside became steeper. We climbed over rocks, through trees and found it more and more difficult to get down the hill. By now we were beginnin - 我們開始下山,起初很容易地走過草地,後來草地變成了灌木叢,山峰變得更陡了。我們爬過岩石,穿過樹林,發現下山越來越難。這時我們感到疲憊,雨也下大了。我在一小塊草地上停下來,轉身看看跟在我後面的弟弟。就在這時我在兩塊岩石中間發現了一個洞。「我過去看看,」我喊?2282


boulimia; bulimia; easy hunger - 善饑

be easy to cause chest distress - 容易引起胸悶

n. easy fatigueness - 易失效性

food that is easy of digestion - 難於消化的食物


n.容易引起胸悶 - be easy to cause chest distress

n.難於消化的食物 - food that is easy of digestion


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