





Ipron. 我n. 碘元素;英語字母I


I beam 工字梁;(窄緣)工字梁;首 頁 >> 網站商城 >> 工字鋼;首 頁 >> 網站商城 >> 工字鋼;I cry 我哭泣;有裡知花;羅百吉;我哭了;Elizabeth I 伊麗莎白一世;伊莉莎白一世;伊莉莎白女王;伊利莎白一世;Tanshinone I 丹參酮I;丹參酮;Level I 學習精要;模擬試卷及詳解-考試;第一級;第一階段;


1.A notebook is all that I need. 一個筆記本就是我所需要的。

2.All all is because I love you! 所有的一切都是因為我愛你!

3.I am a fighter, not a quitter. 我是一個鬥士,不是一個懦夫。


Hello, May I speak to Miss Li, please? - 喂。我可以請李小姐接電話嗎?

Oh, Miss Li. This is Tom. I didn't recognize your voice. - 噢,李小姐。我是湯姆。我沒聽出你的聲音。

It's because I have a bad cold. - 那是因為我患了重感冒。

May I speak to Miss Chen? - 可以跟陳小姐講話嗎?

Will it be too late if I call around 9:00 tonight? - 如果我在晚上9點左右打來會不會太晚?

May I have her office phone number, please? - 可以給我她辦公室的電話嗎?

What time should I call back? - 我應該何時再打來?

May I speak to Miss Wang? - 我可以和王小姐講話嗎?

OK. I will try her back then. - 好的,我到時再試試看。

May I please speak to Mr. Kong? - 我可以孔先生講話嗎?

May I please speak to Ling Ling? - 我可以和玲玲講話嗎?

I'm sorry. I dialed the wrong number. - 對不起,我打錯電話了。

May I speak with Mr. Chen, please? - 可以請陳先生聽電話嗎?

May I speak to Miss Tan, please? - 可以請譚小姐聽電話嗎?

I see. May I leave her a message then? - 噢,那我可以留話給她嗎?

Can I leave him a voice in mail? - 我可以在他的語音信箱裡留話嗎?

May I speak to Miss Hu, please? - 可以請胡小姐聽電話嗎?

Shall I tell him you called? - 我告訴他你來過電話,好嗎?

Hello, I wish to speak to Xiao Fu. - 喂,我想和小付通話。

Yeah, and I have to finish this report by four. - 是,我在四點之前得完成這個報告。

Oh, Somebody's at the door. I have to go. - 哦,有人來了,我得去開門。

Sorry, I have to say good-bye. - 我不得不說再見了。

Sorry. I have a meeting right now. - 抱歉,我馬上有個會議要開。

Hello, this is Wang Ming. May I speak to Gao Ling, please? - 喂,我是王明,我可以和高玲通話嗎?

Hello, I have a bad headache. - 喂,我的頭痛得很厲害。

May I make an appointment now? - 現在可以預約門診嗎?

That's fine. I think I can wait till then. - 好的,我想我可以等到那時候。

May I have your name and number, please? - 請問你的姓名和電話號碼?

Yes, I have a terrible cold. - 是的,我得了重感冒。

Can I set it up now? - 現在可以預約嗎?

And I wonder if there are some balcony seats still available. - 不知道還有沒有包廂的位子?

Can I have your name, please? - 請問您貴姓大名?

Hello, Air China Flight Reservations. May I help you? - 喂,你好,中國航空公司訂票處,需要幫忙嗎?

Hello, my name is Susan and I am calling to confirm my reservation. - 喂,你好,我叫蘇珊,我大電話確定我的預定。

Yes, Miss. I will. - 好的,小姐。我會注意的。

Thank you. I will be there on time. - 謝謝你,我會準時到的。

Yes, what can I do for you? - 是的,我能為您效勞嗎?

That's all right. I hope we can help you at some other time. Good-bye. - 好了,希望我們今後還能給你幫助。再見。

I doubt it, sir. We'll try, but I can't promise anybody before 3:30. - 我沒把握,先生。我們會盡早的,但我不敢許諾3:30以前行。

If I had it towed over there, could you work on it right away? - 如果把車拖到你們那裡,能馬上修嗎?

Room service. May I help you? - 客房服務部,需要我為您效勞嗎?

Yes. I wonder if you can send up some of boiling water for me. - 是的,你可以送點開水上來嗎?

Good morning. Restaurant Service. May I help you? - 早上好,餐廳服務部,能為你效勞嗎?

Room Service. What can I do for you? - 客房服務部,能為您效勞嗎?

May I ask for a morning call tomorrow morning? - 明天早上請叫我起床好嗎?

May I ask for a wake-up call tomorrow morning? - 明早我可以要求晨叫服務嗎?

Front Desk. Can I help you? - 前台,需要我為您服務嗎?

No. I need to stop by the shop. - 不,我要先到商店停一下。

Emergency Assistance, may I help you? - 緊急事故救援中心,有什麼需要幫助的嗎?

I've just been robbed. What should I do? - 我剛剛被搶劫了,現在不知道該怎麼辦?


uroporphyrin i octamethyl ester - 尿噗林I八甲基脂

uroporphyrin i octamethyl ester - 尿噗林i八甲基脂

uroporphyrinogen i synthetase - 尿噗林原I合成酶

uroporphyrinogen i synthetase - 尿噗林原i合成酶

I always have a heaviness in the head - 我總是昏昏沉沉的

I often have puffiness of face in the morning - 我早晨臉總浮腫

i feel chilly all over the body - 我覺得混身發冷

I have a colic pain - 我覺得絞痛

i band; isotropic disk; jband - 橫紋肌明板

copro i hemin; coproihemin - 糞I氯化血紅素

copro i hemin; coproihemin - 糞i氯化血紅素

mobitz type i heart block - 莫氏I型


博馬型胃癌 - Bowman's type I progressive gastric cancer

n.二磷酸吡啶核甘酶,輔酶I - coenzyme i

1級抗不整脈劑 - class I antiarrhythmic agent

n.纖維蛋白原 - coagulation factor i

n.糞I氯化血紅素;n.糞I氯化血紅素,糞i氯化血紅素 - copro i hemin

n.凝血因子I,血纖維蛋白原;代理店的,階乘的 - factor i

n.凝血因子i,血纖維蛋白原 - fibrinogen factor i

雙組份燃料 - hyper I plasma

n.脯氨酸過多血I,脯氨酸氧化酶缺失症 - hyperprolinemia i

n.淫羊藿次甘I,淫羊藿次甘i - icariside i

n.緩激肽 - kallidin i

n.勒帕茄鹼I,勒帕茄鹼i - leptine i

n.次勒帕茄鹼I,次勒帕茄鹼i - lptinine i

n.中膽褐素I - meso bilifuscin i

n.莫氏I型 - mobitz type i heart block

n.無骨傷 - N B I

n.初級卵母細胞 - oocyte i

n.胃蛋白酶原I,胃蛋白酶原i - pepsinogen i

原發症狀 - primary I symptom

n.初級精母細胞 - spermatocyte i

n.氣滯 - stagnation of i

n.轉鈷胺素I,轉鈷胺素i - transcobalamin i

n.尿噗林I八甲基脂,尿噗林i八甲基脂 - uroporphyrin i octamethyl ester

n.尿噗林原I合成酶,尿噗林原i合成酶 - uroporphyrinogen i synthetase


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