intimity[in'timəti]n. 親密;親近;隱私
intimity 親密;親密,親近,隱私;hobnob with intimity propinquity proximity 親近;intimacy intimity privacy a nigger in the woodpile 隱私;
1.Internet make people more intimity or alienation? 網絡使人更親近/更疏遠?
2.What we can see or what we want to see are the reversed news, other's intimity, it keeps away from 晃眼望去,現在我們能看到的,或者說我們更希望看到的是反面的新聞,是別人的隱私,是漫天飛舞的炒作,而遠遠偏離了「共產主義」所標榜的正面型,是人的墮落?
3.In the natural protection point of view, they are representing our natural intimity with nature. In the process of modern urbanization, we want to keep our pure land from demolish. 從自然環境保護的角度而言,無車島的成功代表了人們對自然環境的重視和保護,在城市開發不可逆轉的進程中,保留我們原始的淨土,使其免受破壞,是我們作為地球的一份子,所應有的共識。