





n. idea ,intellection ,mentation ,opinion


thought[θɔ:t]n. 思想;思考;想法;關心v. 想,思考;認為(think的過去式和過去分詞)


thought 想法;思想;思考;觀念;thought insertion 思維插入;思想插入;Thought Leadership 思想領導地位;apriori thought 先天的思維;thought control 思想控制;意志控制;思維控制;


1.So what is thought, what is thinking? 那麼,思想是什麼,思考是什麼?

2.I sort of thought this would happen . 我有點兒覺得這件事會發生。

3.We run our school with advanced thought. 我們用先進的思想管理學校。


Sir, I thought this was an emergency. - 先生,我想這是一位急病患者。

So I thought you might like it. - 所以,我想你可能會喜歡這個。

so I thought it would be a good place for me to make use of the experience I have had. - 所以,我想這裡會是運用我已有經驗的好地方。

Well, I never! I thought you were in HongKong. - 哎,我真沒想到!我還以為你在香港呢。

Andy, oh my God. I can't believe it. What are you doing here? I thought you're in Singapore. - 安迪,我的天,竟然在這裡遇見你。你在這裡幹什麼?我以為你在新加坡。

That's good, I thought I was late. - 太好了,我還以為我來遲了呢。

I thought you and Xiao Hua might like to come over here. - 我想你和小華或許會願意過來。

My instructor thought that the beginner's class was too easy for me. - 老師認為初級課程對我來說太容易了。

I thought you might be hungry. - 我想你大概餓了。

So you thought about it, huh? - 你考慮過了嗎?

Well, have you ever thought of becoming a journalist? - 好, 你是否想過成為一名新聞從業人員?

Well, I've thought a lot about which college, - 嗯, 我為了上哪一所大學想了很多,

I thought you wanted to go to Columbia. - 我還以為你只想上Columbia大學。

I haven't thought about living anywhere else. - 我還沒有考慮要住到別的地方去。

I thought he was retired - 我原以為他退休了

and I thought ... maybe ... - 我覺得……也許……

Have you thought about staying home? - 是否考慮在家呆著?

I thought you were proud of the work I do. - 我還以為你為我所做的工作感到驕傲。

But, Daddy, I thought ... - 但是, 爸爸 ,我想……

like we always thought I would. - 就像我們一向認定的那樣。

I never really thought about being a mother as a career. - 我真的從來沒有想到做母親還是一種事業。

I thought you stayed home with Robbie? - 我還以為你是跟Robbie待在家裡的

I've thought about that for some time. - 我已經想過一陣子了。

I thought that was Nat Baker who rang the front doorbell. - 我還以為是Nat Baker 按大門門鈴呢。

I thought so, too. - 我也這樣想。

Frankly, I thought they'd be here, but ... - 老實說 我原以為他們會在這兒 但……

I knew we thought alike, - 我知道我們心意相同,

I thought you'd all like it. - 我料想你們都會喜歡的。

I thought Max would be crying, and everybody would be awake. - 我還以為Max會哭個不停, 讓大家都睡不著。

and I'm giving some thought to a new book on a different subject. - 如今我又開始在構想另一本不同題材的新書。

In America, it is generally thought that being a workaholic is unhealthy and harmful. - 在美國,一般認為工作狂是不健康且有害的。

I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd stop by. - 我就住在附近,所以我想拜訪一下。

Have you ever thought about becoming a professional musician? - 你曾經想過要成為職業音樂家嗎?

I had thought he knew the time of the meeting. - 我原以為他知道開會時間。

I never would have thought of it if you hadn't mentioned it. - 如果你沒提及,我將不會想到它。

Have you ever thought about a career in the medical profession? - 你曾經在醫藥專業考慮職業嗎?

Have you ever thought about becoming a professional musician? - 你曾經考慮了成為一個職業的音樂家嗎?

I thought about going to my sister's. How about you? - 我想去姐姐家玩,你呢?

I'm sorry. I thought you wouldn't mind. - 對不起,我還以為你不在乎呢。

I thought he could design the most beautiful department store, but... - 我想他能設計出最漂亮的百貨商場,不過……

All this time Dick has only thought of his own future. - 近些時來,迪克老是在思考自己的將來。

Life is measured by thought and action, not by time. - 生命的價值是用思想和行為來衡量的,而不是壽命的長短。

One wrong thought may cause a lifelong regret. - 一念之錯可鑄終生之恨。

I thought so, too. - 我也這樣以為。

Everyday I thought about postcards. - 我每天都想著明信片的事。

She never thought of it again, - 此後她就再沒去想那只瓶子。

Harrison had thought of everything except the weather. - 哈里森把每件事情都考慮到了,唯獨沒想到天氣。

He thought I was on fire. - 他認為是我著火了。

When their father died, they thought it their duty to keep Eric in hiding. - 父親死後,他們兄弟倆認為有責任繼續把埃裡克藏起來。

found a brother who was thought to have been killed twenty years before. - 巴斯曼如何找到了據信已在20年前死去的兄弟的事。


thought transference; thoughttransference - 思想交通

thought incoherence - 思維不聯貫

thought stopping; thoughtstopping - 思維停頓

thought disorder - 思維內容障礙

thought deprivation - 思維剝奪

thought echo - 思維迴響

thought alienation - 思維異化

thought deralment; thoughtderalment - 思維脫軌

thought insertion - 思維被插入

thought process - 思維過程

thought blocking - 思維阻隔


n.思維化聲 - audible thought

思想傳播 - broadcasting of thought

n.雙重思維 - double thought

n.惡念 - evil thought

n.破性思維 - incoherence of thought

n.思維貧乏 - lack of thought

缺乏性綜合症 - research on thought functions

n.思維遲鈍 - retardation of thought

n.思維破裂 - split of thought

n.思流 - stream of thought

n.象徵性思維 - symbolic thought

思考傾向 - trend of thought

n.思維粘滯 - viscidity of thought

n.思維顯形 - visible thought


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