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1.Will not even curse IQ imbecile imbecile for the -250 you will not even curse you? Grandpa dog can teach you, ah! ! Dog! ! ! Dog! ! ! ! ! 連罵人都不會低能兒智商為-250的低能兒你連罵人都不會麼?爺爺可以教你啊狗!!狗!!!狗!!!!!
2.Car near, it really was two puppies, a White dog fell to the ground, motionless, a yellow-dog lying in the White dog around. 車近了,果然是兩條小狗,一條白狗倒在地上,一動不動,一條黃狗趴在白狗身邊。
3.He had long since given up being able to care for his pet dog "Pepper", a small, rat-looking, yappy dog who was 16 (112 in dog years) herself. 他是單身,妻子兩年前去世了。他已經有很長一段時間不能照顧他的狗「佩佩」了,這隻狗今年16歲(相當於人112歲),很小,長得像老鼠一樣,動不動就叫個沒完。
4.The Great Pyrenees Dog, or Pyrenean Mountain Dog as he is known in most of Europe and the United Kingdom, is arguably one of the beautiful breeds of dog in the world. 在大部分歐洲地區以及英國所知道的大庇里牛斯山犬,或是比利牛斯山地犬,可以認為是世界漂亮犬種中的一員。
5.England has a clever dog the intelligent dog contest that England held a break fresh ground a few days ago, share 75 competence to exceed constant the dog played enter into rivalry. 英國有條聰明狗日前英國舉行了一場別開生面的智能狗比賽,共有75只本領超常的狗參加了角逐。