stony corals 石珊瑚類;石珊瑚;stony meteorite 石隕石;石質隕石;隕石;石隕星;stony meteorites 石質隕石;Stony-Iron Meteorites 鐵石隕石;stony sept 石堂鎮;
1.The mean-hearted artist cannot produce a great painting, and a big-hearted artist cannot produce a mean picture, even if his life were at stake. 心地卑劣的藝術家縱使生命發生危險,也不能產生偉大的繪畫,心胸偉大的藝術家縱使生命發生危險,也不能產生''。'下'。''''。'劣'。''的繪畫。
2.Alack, alack, what blood is this, which stains the stony entrance of this sepulchre? 噯喲!噯喲!這墳墓的石門上染著些什麼血跡?
3.The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls along stony cliffs for support. 牆花之叫牆花,是其脆弱的枝幹經常要靠牆壁或順石崖生長,以便有所依附。
4.The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support. 牆花之所以叫牆花,是因為其脆弱的枝幹經常要*牆壁或順石崖生長,以便有所依附。
5.The wall is loaded with both stony corals and colorful soft corals, as well as lobster and several morays. 這面珊瑚牆由許多堅硬珊瑚石和色彩鮮艷的鬆軟珊瑚石構成集聚了龍蝦,許多河鰻在這兒棲息生活。