





n. difficulty ,fuss ,problem ,worryv. discommode ,disorder ,disturb ,inconvenience oneself


trouble['trʌbl]n. 麻煩;煩惱;故障;動亂vt. 麻煩;使煩惱;折磨vi. 費心,煩惱


trouble 麻煩,煩惱;故障;缺陷;困擾;foul trouble 快要犯滿離場;快要犯滿離場,「領到一張准畢業證書」;犯規所產生的麻煩(六犯就要離場,如果太早得到五犯咁你就麻煩,守又唔系,唔守又唔系,抵死丫,咁矛!);快要犯滿離場,"領到一張准畢業證書";trouble shooting 故障檢修;故障檢修,排除故障;故障分析;故障根查;Big Trouble 大麻煩;麻煩大了;大茶包;小心眼大陰謀;Santa Trouble 聖誕老人的麻煩;聖誕白叟的麻煩;


1.I'm rather troubled about my friend's health. 我為朋友的健康感到非常憂慮。

2.When you hug people who trouble you. 當你擁抱麻煩你的人的時候。

3.How can ability let his trouble decrease? 怎樣才能讓自己的煩惱減少?


I'm having trouble eating. - 我吃東西時有困難。

I'm having some trouble keeping food down. - 我吃東西時感到困難。

Any trouble with them? - 有什麼問題?

I'm so glad you found the bag and took the time and trouble to return it. - 我很高興你發現了旅行袋而且不怕麻煩花時間將它送來。

Please accept my apologies for any trouble my mistake has caused you. - 因為我的失誤給你添麻煩了,請接受我的道歉。

You'd better watch your step or you'll get into trouble again. - 你最好留點兒神, 免得再惹麻煩。

Could I trouble you with something for a moment please? - 請問可以麻煩你一下嗎?

Trevor wants to go to Japan so there's going to be trouble whild he's gone. - 特裡瓦要去日本,所以他不在的時候就麻煩了。

Could I trouble you for directions? - 打擾了,我想問問路。

Sorry to trouble you, do you have these shirts in any other colors? - 麻煩你了,你們有其他顏色的這種襯衫嗎?

Don't walk on the grass or you'll be in trouble with the law. - 不要踏進草地,不然的話法律會找你麻煩的。

When trouble comes your neighbors are the ones who will be there. - 鄰居在你有困難的時候會幫助你。

I'm most grateful to you for taking so much trouble to explain the best way of getting there. - 你不厭其煩地給我解釋去那裡的最佳途徑,我對些深表感激。

He is in trouble all the time. - 他總是有麻煩。

He was in trouble with the Customs. - 他在海關那裡有了麻煩。

I have a lot of trouble with pronunciation. - 我有發音的很多毛病。

You're very kind to take the trouble to help me. - 謝謝你不怕麻煩幫助我。

What on earth has happened to trouble you so? - 到底發生什麼事讓您如此發愁?

We can supply from stock and will have no trouble in meeting your delivery date. - 我們可提供現貨並按你方所定日期交貨。

No trouble at all. - 一點兒也不麻煩。

We shouldn't have any trouble if the traffic isn't to heavy. - 如果交通不太擁擠的話,我們不會有什麼困難。

It's no trouble at all. I'll carry this suitcase for you. - 一點也不麻煩,我來替你提這只箱子。

Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. - 不要自尋煩惱。

Never (or Don't) trouble trouble till trouble troulbes you. - 切莫自尋麻煩。

One boy is more trouble than a dozen girls. - 一個男孩比十二個女孩還要麻煩。

but ever since he moved in, he has had trouble with cars and their owners. - 但自從搬進去後,就和汽車及車主們發生了磨擦。

It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. - 它在接近終點時,衝下了山坡,駕駛員費了好大勁才把車停下來。

Right from the start there was trouble with the Hubble. - 從最開始哈勃望遠鏡就有問題。

We're having trouble arranging for a carrier. - 因為貨運公司的安排有問題。

We're having trouble meeting your shipping schedule. - 要如期出貨,我們有問題。

We're having a lot of trouble filling this order. - 我們這次供貨很有問題。

What on earth has happened to trouble you so? - 到底發生什麼事讓您如此發愁?

With a smile the man from downstairs said: I'm sorry to trouble you, comrade. - 「對不起,打擾你了,同志。」

Morning! I'm sorry to trouble you. Could I borrow a pan, please? Mine has just broken. - 早上好!對不起,打擾您了。我想借您的平底鍋,可以嗎?我的剛剛打碎了。

I'm sorry to trouble you. Could I borrow your pan again? - 對不起,打擾您了。我能再借用您的平底鍋嗎?

Good morning, Mr. Zhang. I'm sorry to trouble you. - 早上好,張先生。很抱歉打擾您。

No, Mrs Brown. Your son's trouble is very common these days. It happens all the time. It comes and goes very quickly. He'll get well soon. - 是的,布朗太太。你兒子的毛病現在是極常見的,經常有的。它來得快,去得也快。他不久就會好的。

I just didn't wish to put you to the trouble of changing a large note. - 只不過我不想麻煩你破開一張大票子罷了。

Officials used to have trouble with the foreign names of people passing through Ellis Island, and because they were so busy, many people's names got changed in the rush. - 官員們過去總是搞不清埃利斯島過境人員的外國姓名,因為他們非常繁忙,所以在過境的人蜂擁而至的時候,許多人的姓名都被更改了。


trouble shooting - 故障檢查


n.喉風 - acute throat trouble

n.傷血 - blood trouble

眼病 - eye trouble

心臟疾病 - heart trouble

心臟疾病係數 - heart trouble coefficient

胃病 - stomach trouble

n.牛黃益金片 - tablet of cow-bezoar for throat trouble


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